Automatic Email Notifications

Plesk features an automatic notification system that can inform you, your resellers, and your customers about such events as the overuse of resources, expiration of subscriptions, and account suspension.

To view or modify the notification system settings, go to Tools & Settings > Notifications. For each event, you can specify who should receive the corresponding notifications. The email addresses of the administrator, resellers, and customers are taken from the Email address field in their contact information, and you can also specify a single additional email to which notifications will be sent.

Note that while notifications for website or account creation are sent out immediately, notifications for resource overuse and account suspension are tied to a script that is being run every 24 hours. For that reason it is possible that a notification for resource overuse will be sent some time after the resource limit is exceeded.

You can edit the text of the notification messages. The notifications are in plain text, and HTML tags cannot be used. When editing the notification messages, you can use a number of placeholders that are replaced with actual values when notifications are sent out. The complete list of available placeholders is found below.

Event type Tags that can be used in notices The data that tags denote

Creation of a reseller or customer account




user's first and last name



user name for authorization in Plesk


user's password for authorization in Plesk



company name



user account creation date



phone number



fax number






state or province






postal or ZIP code






unique identifier assigned by the system


host name for access to Plesk

Addition of a new website to the server



domain name



user name for authorization in Plesk



user's first and last name


unique identifier assigned by the system


IP address the website is hosted on

Subscription expiration notices



subscription name



user name for authorization in Plesk



user's first and last name


unique identifier assigned by the system


subscription expiration date

Resource overuse notices



subscription name



user name for authorization in Plesk



user's first and last name


information about disk space usage


information about the amount of disk space allocated to the account


information about all resource limits that were or will soon be reached


information about bandwidth usage


information about the bandwidth amount allotted to the account

Note: If you upgraded to Plesk from an earlier version, then all custom notice templates you previously used remain in effect. Because of changes in user accounts hierarchy and addition of resource overuse scheme, now any type of resource can be overused. Therefore, to show information about all overused resources in notice templates, we recommend using a single variable <resource_table> instead of the variables <disk_usage>, <disk_space_limit>, <traffic>, and <traffic_limit>.