admin_alias: Additional Administrator Accounts

The admin_alias CL utility is used to manage additional Administrator-level accounts.

By using this utility, you can perform the following tasks:

  • creating additional Administrator accounts
  • enabling and disabling access to Plesk for additional Administrator accounts
  • updating additional Administrator account preferences
  • removing additional Administrator accounts
admin_alias <command> [<login_name>] [
<option_1> [<param>]
[<option_2> [<param>]]
... [<option_N> [<param>]]


The following command creates the additional Administrator account with the contact name John Doe, Plesk login name JDoe, password sample, and account's email address

plesk bin admin_alias --create JDoe -passwd sample -contact "John Doe" -email

Command Parameter Description Example

--create or -c


Creates an additional Administrator account.

Requires -email and -passwd options.

To create the account with the login name JDoe, password sample, and the account's email address

plesk bin admin_alias --create JDoe -passwd sample -email


plesk bin admin_alias -c JDoe -passwd sample -email

--update or -u


Updates additional Administrator account settings.

To change the login name from JDoe to John and set the password to 12345:

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -login John -passwd 12345


plesk bin admin_alias -u JDoe -login John -passwd 12345

--remove or -r


Removes additional Administrator account.

To remove the account with the login name JDoe:

plesk bin admin_alias --remove JDoe


plesk bin admin_alias -r JDoe

--info or -i


Displays additional Administrator account preferences.

To retrieve preferences of the account with the login name JDoe:

plesk bin admin_alias --info JDoe


plesk bin admin_alias -i JDoe

--xml-info or -xi


Displays Administrator account preferences in the XML format.

To view information about JDoe in the XML format:

plesk bin admin_alias --xml-info JDoe


plesk bin admin_alias -xi JDoe

--list or -l


Lists login names of additional Administrator accounts.

To list accounts login names:

plesk bin admin_alias --list


plesk bin admin_alias -l

--help or -h


Displays help on the utility use.

To view help on the use of this utility:

plesk bin admin_alias --help


plesk bin admin_alias -h


Option Parameter Description Example



Specifies new Plesk login name for an additional Administrator account.

Used with the --update command only.

To update the account name from JDoe to John:

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -login John



Specifies Plesk password for an additional Administrator account.

Required with the --create command.

See additional comments in the Note below the table.

To set the JDoe account password to 54321:

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -passwd 54321



Specifies additional Administrator account email address.

Required with the --create command.

To set email address of JDoe to

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -email



Defines if an additional Administrator account can access Plesk.

Is true by default.

To disable access to Plesk for JDoe:

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -enabled false



Specifies an additional Administrator's contact name.


To set the JDoe contact name to John Doe:

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -contact "John Doe"



Specifies information about an additional Administrator account and its user.

To update comment on JDoe account:

plesk bin admin_alias --update JDoe -comment "Administrator John Doe"

Note: Use of the -passwd option is not recommended. Passing passwords through CLI as parameters of the -passwd option may potentially compromise the system's security as command line can be observed by other users of the system. It is more secure to pass passwords through the environment variables. You can transfer non-encrypted passwords by using environment variable PSA_PASSWORD while using single quotes to specify the empty values in the command line for the argument of the -passwd option.
Similarly, you can transfer encrypted passwords through the environment variable PSA_CRYPTED_PASSWORD while using single quotes to specify the empty values in the command line for the argument of the -passwd option.