Assigning ICP Permits to Websites

To comply with the requirements of the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and enable you to do business in the People's Republic of China, Plesk features the ICP permit functionality. This functionality makes it possible to assign ICP permits to primary domains, additional domains, subdomains, and domain aliases using the XML-API and command line, and also to block access to websites with no ICP permit assigned.

To enable the ICP permit functionality, open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Parallels\Plesk\admin\conf\panel.ini for editing (create the file if necessary) and add the following lines to it:

features.icpPermit = true
features.icpPermitLink =
features.icpPermitLearnMore =

Once the ICP permit functionality has been enabled, the ICP permit status of every primary domain, additional domain, subdomain, or domain alias is displayed in the Plesk interface:

If no valid ICP permit has been assigned, the status is displayed as Not Permitted. Domains with this status are unavailable. Browsing a website with no ICP permit assigned results in a custom 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons error page. The website preview still works for authenticated Plesk users.

To make a website available, it has to be granted the "ICP permit approved" status, and have an ICP permit assigned to it. This can be done in three ways:

  • Via the Plesk interface. Once the ICP permit functionality is enabled, the controls for managing ICP permits (Grant Approval/Revoke Approval and Enter Permit ID) are displayed for every domain, subdomain, and domain alias.
  • Via the site.exe and the domalias.exe command line utilities.
  • Via XML-API requests.