Protocol Changes

This chapter contains summaries of changes made to the XML API protocol. The next paragraph explains how these changes are organized.

Changes are divided into two categories:

  • Changes made to the latest protocol version as compared to the previous one (subsection named What's New in This Version).
  • Changes in behavior of Plesk 12.5 with prior protocol versions (subsection Compatibility of Plesk 12.5 with Earlier Protocol Versions).

These two groups are further categorized by features that required modifying operators or operations. Each set of feature-dependant changes is fit into a separate table and sequenced in alphabetical order.

Each feature-dependant table consists of the following columns:

  • Option - defines whether an operator/operation/parameter is added ("+"), modified ("*"), or deprecated ("-").
  • Operator - contains the name of the operator affected by the feature.
  • Operation - contains the name of the operation affected by the feature. The operation name is omitted in the following cases:
    • New operator is added
    • Operator is removed
    • Feature modifies the behavior of an entire operator
    • Feature modifies the XSD complex type that is not explicitly related to an operation (Example: filters).
  • Type/File - contains the name of an XSD complex type affected by the feature. This name helps to determine whether request, response or both packet structures are changed. If the complex type name is changed, the new name is given. If an operation description is changed, and new description does not use any named complex types, the XSD file which contains the operation description is given. The type/file name is omitted in the following cases:
    • Operation description is left unaffected.
    • Operation is added or deprecated.

      Note: The summary of changes does not explicitly track changes in complex type names.

  • Parameter - contains the affected parameter. This value is present only if Operation or Type/Filename values are provided. If the operation name or both values are set, the path to the parameter is given relatively the operation node. Otherwise, the path is given relatively to the XML element described by the type. We use XPath notations to address the parameter.
  • Comment - contains a short description of a change. If an operator, operation, or parameter is deprecated, this field contains brief instructions on which functionality can be used instead.

In this chapter:

What's New in This Version

Compatibility of Panel 12 with Earlier Protocol Versions