Running Automated Upgrades

To upgrade Plesk without needing to supply any information in the process, run the command:

plesk-installer <em><packages source options></em> <code>--select-release-id </code><code class="monospaceitalics"><ID> </code><code>--upgrade-installed-components </code><em><components installation options> </em>[other options]


  • packages source options define the location where Installer should obtain the Plesk packages for upgrade

    <packages source options> =

    --source <URL>

    if using a mirror of the Plesk updates server


    --source <path>

    if using a local file system



    if installing from the Plesk updates server

  • --select-release-ID option defines Plesk version for the upgrade. <ID> is a unique Plesk version identifier, like PANEL_12_0_18.
    You can get the list of available Plesk version IDs by running Installer with the --show-releases option. Note that by default, Installer shows you only IDs of the publicly released production versions (learn more about Plesk release tiers in the section Before Installing Plesk). If you want to obtain the full list of available Plesk versions including those intended for the product preview and testing purposes, add the --skip-branch-filter option.
  • components installation options define which Plesk components should be additionally installed during an upgrade

    <components installation options> =


    The installation type can be Full or Typical.


    --install-component component1 [--install-component component2 [... [--install-component componentN]]]

    You can get the full list of components available for a certain release by running Installer with the following options: --select-release-id <ID> --show-components

  • other options include those that define proxy settings, installation logging and so on. For full details, please refer to the Appendix D: Plesk Installer Options.
Examples, Linux/Unix

1. The following command upgrades Plesk to the 12.0.18 release version (ID is PANEL_12_0_18) from the mirror set up on the server available via HTTP. Installation files will temporarily be stored at /tmp/panel, and the installation status will be reported to the email The PostgreSQL server component is additionally installed.

./plesk-installer --source --target /tmp/panel --select-release-id PANEL_12_0_18 --upgrade-installed-components --install-component postgresql --notify-email

2. The following command performs the upgrade to the Plesk 12.0.18 release version (ID is PANEL_12_0_18) from the Plesk updates server. All Installer's output is redirected to an XML file.

./plesk-installer --select-release-id PANEL_12_0_18 --upgrade-installed-components --enable-xml-output
Examples, Windows

1. The following command upgrades Plesk to the 12.0.18 release version (ID is PANEL_12_0_18_WIN) from the mirror set up on the server available via HTTP. Installation files will temporarily be stored in the %SystemDrive%\Parallels\ folder, and the installation status will be reported to the email The Bind name server component is additionally installed.

plesk-installer.exe --source --target %SystemDrive%\Parallels --select-release-id PANEL_12_0_18_WIN --upgrade-installed-components --install-component dns --notify-email

2. The following command performs the upgrade to the Plesk 12.0.18 release version (ID is PANEL_12_0_18) from the Plesk updates server. All installer output is redirected to an XML file.

plesk-installer.exe --select-release-id PANEL_12_0_18_WIN --upgrade-installed-components --enable-xml-output