You can create your own promo by editing the panel.ini configuration file according to the following pattern:

promo_name.parameter = "value"

You can use the following parameters:

  • active. Shows if your promo will appear by default or not. Boolean.
  • icon. URL of an icon that will be shown in the promo.
  • title. Title of the promo.
  • text. The promo description.
  • buttonUrl. The URL that opens upon clicking the promo button.
  • buttonText. The caption of the promo button.
  • hideText. Text of the link for hiding the promo.

For example, to create a promo that looks like the following:

image 77010

Add the following lines to panel.ini:

custom.promo1.title = "Plesk Documentation Portal"
custom.promo1.icon =
custom.promo1.text = "Documentation and Help Portal for Plesk"
custom.promo1.buttonUrl = ""
custom.promo1.buttonText = "Looking for documentation?"
custom.promo1.hideText = "Hide"