Property descriptor is comprised of parameters that specify an object property. Its graphical representation is as follows:

image 39695

  • The property node is required. It specifies a property descriptor. Data type: PropertyDescriptor (descriptor.xsd).

  • The name node is required. It specifies identifier of the property. Data type: string.

  • The type node is required. It specifies a type of property value. Data type: string. Allowed values: string | password | int | uint | float | boolean | bytes | date

    Where uint is an unsigned integer. Date is stored in timestamp format. In ‘bytes’ type -1 (value) = UNLIMITED

  • The enum node is optional. It specifies values of the property in case the property has limited set of values. Data type: EnumElementType (descriptor.xsd).

    • The value node is required if the enum node is specified. It defines a value of the property. Data type: string.
    • The label node is optional. It specifies brief explanation of the property value in Plesk GUI. This value should be equal to locale key name of the property. To retrieve locale key value, use the locale operator. Data type: string.
    • The hint value is optional. It specifies the hint that can be seen if you point cursor on the property label in Plesk GUI. Data type: string.
  • The default-value node is optional. It specifies default value of the property. Data type: none.

  • The writable-by node is optional. It specifies users who can edit the property. Data type: sting. Allowed values: none | admin | client | domain-admin.

  • The label node is optional. It specifies brief explanation of the property in Plesk GUI. This value should be equal to locale key name of the property. To retrieve locale key value, use the locale operator. Data type: string.

  • The hint node is optional. It specifies hint that can be seen if you point cursor on the property label in Plesk GUI. Data type: string.

  • The extension node is optional. It defines data specific for the object. For details, refer to the Extension of Permissions Descriptor, Extension of Hosting Settings Descriptor and Extension of Limits Descriptor sections. Data type: any.


The following property descriptor specifies FTP quota.


The following property descriptor specifies PHP support.
