The gen_info node is used in the get response packets. It is defined by complex type siteGenInfoType (site.xsd) and holds a collection of common settings.

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  • cr_date, required

    It holds the creation date of the specified site. Data type: date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.

  • name, required

    It holds the site name displayed in Plesk. Data type: string.

  • ascii-name, required

    It holds the site name in ASCII format. Data type: string.

  • status, required

    It holds the current status of the specified site. Data type: objectStatus (plesk_common.xsd). Allowed values: 0 (active) | 4 (under backup/restore) | 8 (web service for the site is suspended by Administrator) | 16 (disabled by Administrator) | 32 (disabled by Reseller) | 64 (disabled by a customer) | 256 (expired).

  • real_size, required

    It holds the actual size of the site (in bytes). For details on how the actual size is calculated, see the Administrator’s Guide. Data type: unsignedLong.

  • dns_ip_address, optional

    It holds the IP address shown in DNS records. Data type: ip_address (common.xsd).

  • htype, required

    It specifies the type of hosting set on the site. Data type: string. Allowed values: vrt_hst | std_fwd | frm_fwd | none.

  • guid, required

    It contains the site GUID. Data type: string. For details on GUIDs, refer to the GUIDs Overview section.

  • webspace-guid, optional

    Specifies a GUID of an associated subscription. Data type: string.

  • sb-site-uuid, optional

    Specifies a GUID of an associated Presence Builder site. Data type: string.

  • webspace-id, required

    Specifies a website ID.

  • description, optional

    Specifies the description of a site. Data type: string.

  • turn-off-action, optional

    If the site is not active, this node specifies if a site is disabled or suspended. Data type: string. Allowed values: disable, suspend.

The following sample demonstrates how the general information can be presented:
