The set-server-wide-settings operation is used to specify some of the server-wide backup settings.

Request Packet

A request XML packet retrieving backup settings includes the set-server-wide-settings operation node.


The set-server-wide-settings node has the data type BackupSetServerWideSettingsInput (backup.xsd). It has the following graphical representation:

image 75344

  • The max-backup-files node is optional. It holds the maximum number of scheduled backups that can be stored in any type of storage. Specify -1 for unlimited. Data type: integer.
  • The max-backup-processes node is optional. It holds the maximum number of simultaneously running scheduled backup processes. Data type: integer.
  • The low-priority node is optional. It indicates whether to run scheduled backup processes with low priority. Data type: boolean.
  • The do-not-compress node is optional. It indicates whether to disable or enable the compression of scheduled backup files. Data type: boolean.
  • The allow-local-ftp-backup node is optional. It indicates whether to allow the use of Plesk server as an FTP storage for Plesk backups. Data type: boolean.
  • The keep-local-backup node is optional. It indicates whether to save backups in the Plesk server storage if their upload to FTP storage fails. Data type: boolean.

Request Packet Sample


Response Packet Structure

The set-server-wide-settings node of the response XML packet is presented by type BackupSetServerWideSettingsOutput (backup.xsd) and structured as follows:

image 75345

The result node wraps the response retrieved from the server. Data type: resultFilterType (common.xsd).

  • result, required. It wraps the response got from the server. Data type: resultFilterType (common.xsd).
  • status, required. It specifies the execution status of the operation. Data type: string. Allowed values: ok | error.
  • errcode, optional. It returns the error code when the operation fails. Data type: unsignedInt.
  • errtext, optional. It returns the error message if the operation fails. Data type: string.

Response Sample

A positive response packet received from the server looks as follows:

<packet version="">