The wp-toolkit utility allows you to perform certain action on WordPress installations.

Note: This utility is available when the WordPress toolkit extension is installed in Plesk and is used with the plesk ext utility.

Additionally, WP-CLI (official WordPress command-line interface) is integrated into wp-toolkit utility. You can invoke it with the wp-cli command and use it to manage WordPress websites.

Read more about WP-CLI.


plesk ext wp-toolkit <command> [options]


The following command provides main data for all WordPress installations existing on the server:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --list


Command Parameter Description Example
--clear-cache [option] Clears the cache of the selected WordPress installation.

To clear the cache of the WordPress installation with the ID = 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --clear-cache -instance-id 1

--register [option] Adds the WordPress installation to WordPress Toolkit.

To add the WordPress installation on the domain with the ID = 1 to WordPress toolkit:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --register -main-domain-id 1 -path httpdocs

--info [option] Provides data on the selected WordPress installation.

To provide data on the WordPress installation with the ID = 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit -info -instance-id 1

--wp-cli [option] Executes a wp-cli command on the selected WordPress installation.

To display the WordPress version of the WordPress installation with the ID = 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --wp-cli -instance-id 1 -- core version

--list [option] Provides main data for all WordPress installations existing on the server.

To provide main data for all WordPress installations existing on the server:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --list

--help or -h [option] Displays help on the use of this utility.

To view the help info on the use of this utility:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --help


plesk ext wp-toolkit -h

--install [option] Installs WordPress on a domain.

To install WordPress with the default settings on the domain

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-name

--languages [option] Displays the list of languages available for the specified WordPress version.

To display the list of languages available for WordPress version 4.9.8 in the JSON format:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --languages -version 4.9.8 -format json

--sets [option] Manages sets of plugins and themes.

To display available sets of plugins and themes:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --sets -operation list

--plugins [option] Manages uploaded plugins.

To display all uploaded plugins:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --plugins -operation list-custom

--themes [option] Manages uploaded themes.

To remove the uploaded theme with the ID 1 and the version 1.4:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --themes -operation remove -id 1 -version 1.4

--versions [option] Displays available WordPress versions that can be installed via WordPress Toolkit.

To display available WordPress versions that can be installed via WordPress Toolkit:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --versions


Command Parameter Description Example
-instance-id <instance_id> WordPress installation ID.

To activate plugin “hello” on the WordPress installation with the ID = 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --wp-cli -instance-id 1 -- plugin activate hello

-main-domain-id <main_domain_id> Main domain ID.

To provide data on the WordPress installation with the ID = 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --info -main-domain-id 1 -path httpdocs

-path <path> The relative path from the main domain’s root directory. Example: /httpdocs/subdirectory

To add the WordPress installation on the domain with the ID = 1 to WordPress toolkit:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --register -main-domain-id 1 -path httpdocs

-plugins   Adds information about the number of plugins on WordPress installations when the list command is executed.

To display main data (including the number of plugins) on all WordPress installations existing on the server:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --list -plugins

-themes   Adds information about the number of plugins on WordPress installations. when the list command is executed.

To display main data (including the number of themes) on all WordPress installations existing on the server:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --list -themes

-format raw | json Renders output in a particular format. Supported formats: JSON, raw. By default all data is shown in the raw format.

To display main data on all WordPress installations existing on the server in the JSON format:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --list -format json

-domain-id <domain-id> The domain ID.

To install WordPress with the default settings on the domain with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1

-domain-name <domain_name> The domain name.

To install WordPress with the default settings on the domain

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-name

-operation   Necessary for certain commands to specify the corresponding operation.

To display all uploaded themes:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --themes -operation list-custom

-site-title <site_title> The website title (used with the install command).

To install WordPress with the site title “Example Site” on the domain with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -site-title "Example Site"

-protocol http | https The protocol name (used with the install command).

To install WordPress on the domain with the ID 1 and enable the website via the HTTP protocol:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -protocol http

-db-name <database_name> The database name (used with the install command).

To install WordPress on the domain with the ID 1 and name the WordPress database “a1”:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -db-name a1

-table-prefix <table_prefix> The table prefix (used with the install command).

To install WordPress on the domain with the ID 1 and name the table prefix “aaa”:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -table-prefix aaa

-db-server IP address of the remote database server |localhost:3306 The database server (used with the install command).

To install WordPress on the domain with the ID 1 using the local database server for hosting the WordPress database:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -db-server localhost:3306

-language <locale_name> The WordPress language (used with the install command).

To install WordPress on the domain with the ID 1 and choose the English language of the WordPress interface:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -language en_US

-version <version> The WordPress version (used with the install command).

To install WordPress version 4.9.8 on the domain with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -version 4.9.8

-admin-email <admin-email> The email of the WordPress administrator (used with the install command).

To install WordPress on the domain with the ID 1 and specify the email of the WordPress administrator:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --install -domain-id 1 -admin-email

-set-id <set_id> The ID of a set for installing or removing plugins and themes.

To add the plugin with the ID 1 to the set with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --sets -operation add-plugin -set-id 1 -plugin-id 1

-source-url <source_url> The source URL, by which a plugin or a theme is available (used to upload plugins and themes).

To upload a plugin available by the known URL:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --plugins -operation add -source-url

-plugin-id <plugin_id> The ID of an uploaded plugin (used with the add-plugin and remove-plugin operations).

To add the uploaded plugin with the ID 1 to the set with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --sets -operation add-plugin -set-id 1 -plugin-id 1

-theme-id <theme_id> The ID of an uploaded theme (used with the add-theme and remove-theme operations).

To add the uploaded theme with the ID 1 to the set with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --sets -operation add-theme -set-id 1 -theme-id 1

-plugin-slug <plugin_slug> The plugin slug for adding or removing plugins found in the repository (used with the add-plugin and remove-plugin operations).

To remove the plugin with the slug “akismet” from the set with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --sets -operation remove-plugin -set-id 1 -plugin-slug akismet

-theme-slug <theme_slug> The theme slug for adding or removing themes found in the repository (used with the add-theme and remove-theme operations).

To add the theme with the slug “breviter” to the set with the ID 1:

plesk ext wp-toolkit --sets -operation add-theme -set-id 1 -theme-slug breviter