Using Plesk SDK API, an extension can make changes to the web server configuration.

  • Class pm_Hook_WebServer allows to describe custom directives for domains to be added to the configuration files.
  • Class pm_WebServer is used to instruct the web server to update the configuration for the specified domain.

Note: The following sample project is provided by Plesk to illustrate how an extension can add changes to the web server configuration files:

Adding Custom Configuration

The following methods of the class pm_Hook_WebServer are used to describe custom directives introduced by the extension into the web server configuration files:

  • getDomainApacheConfig(pm_Domain $domain) - returns the string which will be added to the Apache configuration as a <VirtualHost></VirtualHost> custom directive.
  • getDomainNginxConfig(pm_Domain $domain) - returns the string which will be added to nginx configuration as a {...} custom directive when nginx is used as the main web server.
  • getDomainNginxProxyConfig((pm_Domain $domain) - returns the string which will be added to nginx configuration as a {...} custom directive when nginx is used in proxy mode.
  • getDomainIisConfig(pm_Domain $domain) - returns XML as a string which will be added to the Plesk IIS configurator.

Every time a domain is reconfigured, these methods will be called.

class Modules_WebServer_WebServer extends pm_Hook_WebServer
    public function getDomainApacheConfig(pm_Domain $domain)
        return '# Apache config for domain: ' . $domain->getName();
    public function getDomainNginxConfig(pm_Domain $domain)
        return '# Nginx config for domain name: ' . $domain->getName();

Updating Domain Configuration

Method pm_WebServer::updateDomainConfiguration() is used to immediately update the specified domain configuration. For example, this can be done when some additional service was activated on that domain by the extension.

$webServerManager = new \pm_WebServer();
$webServerManager->updateDomainConfiguration(new \pm_Domain(1));