Note: Only Linux services can be managed with the help of this SDK API.

Plesk provides a basic functionality for services management. This SDK API allows extensions to register their own services such that they are transparent for the end-user.

Services in SDK are introduced by the pm_SystemService_Service abstract class. Each registered service should be derived from it, and should implement the getName() method that defines the service display name. The getId() method defines the service identifier. It is obtained from the service class name by excluding the prefix & the module name (for example, Modules_TrafficMonitor_Monitor_Service => monitor_service, PleskExtTrafficMonitorMonitorService => monitorservice, MonitorService => monitorservice). Feel free to redefine it.

Service management is performed via the onStart(), onStop(), and onRestart() methods. A service’s state can be obtained via the isInstalled(), isConfigured(), and isRunning() methods that return “true” by default.

Each service must be registered in the hook. The class Modules_<Extension name>_SystemServices must to be derived from pm_Hook_SystemServices and placed in the plib/hooks/ directory.

To manage services via API-RPC or CLI, use the extended service identifier: ext-<extension id>-<service id>. For example, in case of Modules_TrafficMonitor_Service it would be ext-traffic-monitor-service.


Example of a service implementation (PRODUCT_ROOT_D . /admin/plib/modules/traffic-monitor/library/Service.php):

// Copyright 1999-2016. Parallels IP Holdings GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
 * Service provided by module
 * @package Plesk_Modules
class Modules_TrafficMonitor_Service extends pm_SystemService_Service
    public function getName()
        return 'Traffic monitor';

    public function onStart()

    public function onStop()

    public function onRestart()

    public function isRunning()
        return Modules_TrafficMonitor_Agent::isMonitorEnabled();


An example of service registry (PRODUCT_ROOT_D . /admin/plib/modules/traffic-monitor/hooks/SystemServices.php):

class Modules_TrafficMonitor_SystemServices extends pm_Hook_SystemServices
    public function getServices()
        return [new Modules_TrafficMonitor_Service()];