405 |
6002 |
Unsupported HTTP request method. Only the following HTTP
methods are allowed: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. |
411 |
6003 |
Content-Length header is required. |
413 |
6004 |
Unable to process the request due to excessive Content-Length. |
406 |
6005 |
The client side does not accept the “application/json” content
type. |
406 |
6006 |
The client side does not accept “UTF-8” character set. |
406 |
6007 |
The client side does not accept “gzip” encoding. |
415 |
6008 |
The “application/json” is expected in the Content-Type header. |
415 |
6009 |
The “charset” should be specified in the Content-Type header. |
415 |
6010 |
Unsupported character set in the Content-Type header. |
401 |
6011 |
The request required user authentication. |
403 |
6012 |
Authorization failed. |
400 |
6013 |
Unparseable JSON data. |
400 |
6014 |
Parseable but incorrect JSON data. |
400 |
9005 |
The license key number is not specified. |
400 |
24001 |
Customer not found. |
400 |
24005 |
License not found. |
400 |
24201 |
The license key is unusable. No further actions with this
license key are allowed. |
400 |
24202 |
The license key is problematic. No further actions with this
license key are allowed. |
400 |
24203 |
The license key for the specified activation code is
problematic. No further actions with this license key are
allowed. |
400 |
24204 |
The license key is terminated. No further actions with this
license key are allowed. |
400 |
24205 |
The license key corresponding to the specified activation code
is terminated. No further actions with this license key are
allowed. |
400 |
24206 |
The license key is expired. |
400 |
24207 |
The license key is inactive. |
400 |
24208 |
The license key is not exportable. |
400 |
24209 |
The license key is not exportable in previous versions. |
400 |
24213 |
The parent key is problematic. No further actions with this
license key are allowed. |
400 |
24214 |
The parent key is terminated. No further actions with this
license key are allowed. |
400 |
24215 |
The parent key is expired. No further actions with this license
key are allowed. |
400 |
24216 |
The parent key is inactive. Please, activate it first. |
400 |
24217 |
Bindng to IP address is not possible for the license key. |
400 |
24218 |
Another license key is already bound to the same IP address. |
400 |
24219 |
Detaching or reattaching a license key is not possible because
it was bought in bundle. |
400 |
24220 |
Another license key is already activated with the same
activation data. |
400 |
24222 |
Prolongation of the license key is temporarily unavailable. |
400 |
24401 |
This customer account is suspended. No further actions for this
customer are allowed. |
400 |
24701 |
Failed to complete a remote operation with a product. |
400 |
24702 |
Failed to complete a remote operation with a product. |
400 |
24703 |
Unable to carry out remote operations with a product because a
license key is misconfigured. |
400 |
24704 |
The license type of an additional key is not applicable to the
license type of the parent key. |
400 |
24705 |
The license type of a feature key is not applicable to the
license type of the parent key. |
400 |
24706 |
Conflicting feature set. |
400 |
24707 |
Operation is not possible because the additional key conflicts
with another additional key. |
400 |
24708 |
Operation is not possible because the additional license type
conflicts with existing additional key. |
400 |
24709 |
Operation is not possible because there is a feature conflict. |
400 |
24710 |
Upgrading (downgrading) a feature is not possible: the license
key does not have such a feature. |
400 |
24711 |
Downgrading (removing) the default features from the key is not
allowed. |
400 |
24712 |
The upgrade plan is not applicable to the license key. |
400 |
24713 |
The upgrade plan can not be applied to the license key: the
upgrade plan requires the presence of certain features on the
key. |
400 |
24715 |
Downgrading key to another license type is not allowed. |
400 |
24716 |
License type is not found in the customer’s price list. |
400 |
24717 |
The upgrade plan is not found in the customer’s price list. |
400 |
24719 |
The license key requires activation data for activation. |
400 |
24721 |
Invalid key configuration. The required key parameters are
absent. |
400 |
24723 |
It is not possible to attach a feature key. Another feature key
of the same license type is already attached to the parent key. |