To search for licenses for certain products you need to use aliases of product names. Products in the same product line might have different names (for example, Plesk and PSA are both Plesk products). Aliases make the search simpler and more comprehensive.

For example, to search for licenses for Plesk, type:


The table below displays product name aliases and corresponding products.

Alias Product Name
vz Virtuozzo
vzs Virtuozzo storage
pde Parallels Desktop Enterprise
expand Plesk Expand
plesk Plesk
drweb Premium Antivirus
antispam Premium Outbound Antispam
vzh Virtuozzo hypervisor
psfm Parallels Server for Mac
sb Plesk Sitebuilder
vzc Virtuozzo containers
vdi Parallels VDI
wbp Web Presence Builder
voipnow 4PSA VoipNow
acronis Acronis Backup and Recovery
atmail Atmail Webmail
cloudflare CloudFlare
cloudlinux CloudLinux
codeguard CodeGuard
gene6 Gene6 FTP Server
global_mentoring Global Mentoring
interspire_email_marketer Interspire Email Marketer
interspire_knowledge_manager Interspire Knowledge Manager
kav Kaspersky Antivirus
keepit Keepit Online Backup
magicspam LinuxMagic MagicSpam
mla MyLittleAdmin
pinnaclecart Pinnacle Cart
sitelock SiteLock
stopthehacker StopTheHacker
symantec_nis Symantec Norton Internet Security Online
trustwave_pci_validation_program Trustwave PCI Validation Program
unity Unity Mobile