Currently, server general information include only full server name.

The gen_info node of the response XML packet has the following structure:

image 37039

  • The server_name node is required. It returns the full server name. Data type: string.

  • The server_guid node is required. It returns the server GUID (required for integration with third-party applications). Data type: string.

  • The external-id node is required. It returns GUID assigned to the server by one of the Plesk components (for example, Business Manager). Data type: string.

  • The vps-optimized-status node is required. It returns whether the server is optimized for virtual environments. Data type: none.

    The mode switches off InnoDB engine in MySQL database server, and web server modules that are not critical for hosting services. This makes the Plesk use less memory than other control panels available on the market, which ensures better utilization of hardware resources and increased density of virtual environments per server.

  • The aspect node is required. It lists aspects that are tunable within the VPS optimized feature. Data type: none.

  • The name node is required. It stores the aspect name. For example, the status of InnoDB support by MySQL. Data type: string.

  • The value node is required. It stores the aspect value. Data type: string.

  • The mode node is optional. It stores the current Control Panel mode (either standard or Power User). Data type: string. Available values: standard | poweruser

A response packet received from server can look as follows:
