You should manage web user settings according to the following XML schema:

image 40184.gif

  • The password node is optional. It specifies a web user password. Data type: string.
  • The password-type node is optional. It specifies if it is a plain or encrypted password (if encrypted, then the encryption method should be specified). Data type: string (length=4..64).
  • The ftp-quota node is optional. It specifies the limit of space provided for a web user on the server. Data type: integer (-1 = unlimited).
  • The services node is optional. It specifies web user services. Data type: ServicesType (webuser.xsd).
  • The service node is required. It specifies a web user service. Data type: WebuserScriptType (webuser.xsd).
    • The name node is required. It specifies the service name. Data type: sting.
    • The value node is required. It specifies the service value. Data type: anySimple.

This packet sets PHP support for the web user with ID 14.

<packet version="">