This node is used in the set request packets to set the general information for the specified subscriptions. It is defined by data type setGenSetupType (plesk_domain.xsd). The gen_setup node is structured as follows:

image 60561

  • The status node is optional. It is used to set the current status of the specified subscription. Data type: objectStatus (plesk_common.xsd). Allowed values: 0 (active) | 16 (disabled by Plesk Administrator) | 32 (disabled by Plesk reseller) | 64 (disabled by customer).
  • The name node is optional. It is used to modify the subscription name. Data type: string.
  • The owner-id node is optional. It specifies the ID of the new subscription owner Administrator, reseller, or customer). Data type: integer.
  • The owner-login node is optional. It specifies the login name of the new subscription owner Administrator, reseller, or customer). Data type: string.
  • The owner-guid node is optional. It specifies the login name of the new subscription owner Administrator, reseller, or customer). Data type: string.
  • The owner-external-id node is optional. It specifies the GUID of a new subscription owner Administrator, reseller, or customer in Panel components (for example, Business Manager). Data type: string.
  • The ip_address node is optional. It adds ip address to the mail service if the subscription does not have any hosting. If you need to change the ip address of a subscription, use the request with <hosting> instead of <gen_setup> (see Hosting Settings). Data type: ip_address (common.xsd).
  • The guid node is optional. If specified, the new GUID is assigned to the subscription. For details on GUIDs, refer to the GUIDs Overview section. Data type: boolean.
  • The external-id node is optional. It specifies the GUID of a new subscription in Panel components (for example, Business Manager). Data type: string.
  • The admin-as-vendor node is optional. It specifies whether the Administrator is the provider for the subscription. Data type: none.

The following packet assigns all subscriptions of one Plesk customer (ID 1111) to another Plesk customer (ID 1122). This packet can be sent by Plesk Administrator or Plesk reseller.

<packet version="">