The notification utility is used for configuring automatic sending of email notices on system events.


notification <command>
<option 1> <param> [<option 2> <param>] ... [<option N> <param>]


The following command configures Plesk to notify the server administrator when a new customer account is created (event ID is 8):

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -send2admin true


Command Parameter Description Example
--update or -u -id <event ID> Updates automatic notification settings for a specific event. The available IDs are provided in the Supported notification IDs table below.

To configure Plesk to notify the server administrator when a new customer account is created (event ID is 8):

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -send2admin true

--expiration <number of days> By default, Plesk is configured to send subscription expiration warnings 10 days in advance. You can adjust this setting with the --expiration command.

To set the number of days for sending the expiration warnings 5 days in advance:

plesk bin notification --expiration 5

--help or -h   Displays help on the use of the utility.

To view a help page for the utility:

plesk bin notification --help


Option Parameter Description Example
-id <id>

Specifies the ID of a system event.

The available IDs are provided in the Supported notification IDs table below.

To configure Plesk to notify the server administrator when a new customer account is created (event ID is 8):

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -send2admin true

-send2admin true|false Enables sending of notices about the specified event to the server administrator.  
-send2reseller true|false Enables sending of notices about the specified event to the appropriate reseller accounts.

To configure Plesk to notify the resellers when new customer accounts are created (event ID is 8):

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -send2reseller true

-send2client true|false Enables sending of notices about the specified event to the appropriate customer accounts.

To configure Plesk to notify customers about creation of their accounts (event ID is 8):

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -send2client true


true|false Enables sending of notices about the specified event to the specified email address.

To configure Plesk to send an email notice to when new customer accounts are created (event ID is 8):

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -send2email true -email

-email <string> Specifies the email address to which notices should be sent.  
-subj <string> Specifies the email message subject for a notice.

The following example customizes the properties of the notice sent on customer account creation:

plesk bin notification --update -id 8 -subj "Your account credentials" -text "Dear <client_contact_name>, to log in to your Control Panel, go to https://<hostname>:8443. Your username is <client_login> and the password is <password>"

-text <text>

The notice text that should be sent.

In the text, you can use variables that will be substituted with the appropriate data.

For a list of supported variables, refer to Plesk Administrator’s Guide, chapter Configuring the Server, section Configuring E-mail Notification System.


Supported notification IDs

ID Action
1 Customer account creation
2 Site creation
3 Resource usage limits exceeded by subscription
6 Subscription expiration
7 Subscription expiration warning
12 An error in web applications management
13 Reseller account creation
16 Resource usage limits exceeded by a reseller account
18 Subscription suspended due to resource overuse
20 Reseller account suspended due to resource overuse
22 Reseller’s resource usage limits reached by reseller’s subscriptions due to overselling
23 Application updates on an administrator’s subscription
24 Application updates on a reseller’s subscription
25 Application updates on an customer’s subscription
26 Attempts to exceed outgoing limits for domains, mailboxes and subscriptions