The service_plan_addon utility is used for managing hosting plan add-ons through the command line.


service_plan_addon <command> [<plan_name>] [
<option_1> [<param>]
[<option_2> [<param>]]
... [<option_N> [<param>]]]


The following command creates a hosting plan add-on named Ten additional websites. It enables the subscribed users to create ten websites more.

plesk bin service_plan_addon -c "Ten additional websites" -max_site 10


Command Parameter Description Example
--create or -c <service-plan-name> Creates a new hosting plan add-on.

To create a hosting plan add-on named Additional 5 gigabytes of disk space:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --create "Additional 5 gigabytes of disk space"


plesk bin service_plan_addon -c "Additional 5 gigabytes of disk space"

--update or -u <service-plan-name> Updates an existing hosting plan add-on.

To rename a plan add-on from Plan 1 to Plan 2:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --update "Plan 1" -new-name "Plan 2"


plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -new-name "Plan 2"

--duplicate or -d <service-plan-name> Duplicates a hosting plan add-on by making its copy with the name specified in the ‘-duplicate-name’ option.

To make a copy of a plan add-on Plan 1 with the name Plan 1 Copy:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --duplicate "Plan 1" -duplicate-name "Plan 1 Copy"


plesk bin service_plan_addon -d "Plan 1" -duplicate-name "Plan 1 Copy"

--remove or -r <service-plan-name> Removes a hosting plan add-on.

To remove the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --remove "Plan 1"


plesk bin service_plan_addon -r "Plan 1"

--info or -i <service-plan-name> Displays information about a plan add-on.

To view information about the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --info "Plan 1"


plesk bin service_plan_addon -i "Plan 1"

--xml-info or -x <service-plan-name> Displays information about a plan add-on in the XML format.

To view information about the plan add-on Plan 1 in the XML format:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --xml-info "Plan 1"


plesk bin service_plan_addon -x "Plan 1"

--add-aps-filter-item <service-plan-name>

Adds an application to the list of applications allowed for installation on websites on the specified plan.

This command can be used with the following options:



To add an application AdvancedPoll identified by the system by a name “advancedpoll” to the list of applications allowed for installation on sites hosted on the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan --add-aps-filter-item "Plan 1" -aps-filter-item-name name -aps-filter-item-value "advancedpoll"

--remove-aps-filter-item <service-plan-name> Removes an APS application from the list of applications available for installation.

To remove the application named “advancedpoll” from the list of applications available for installation on sites on the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan --remove-aps-filter-item "Plan 1" -aps-filter-item-name name -aps-filter-item-value "advancedpoll"

--show-aps-filter-info <service-plan-name> Shows information on the active APS applications filter. If an applications filter is disabled, then the subscriber can install all applications available from the Application Catalog + those that were uploaded to the server by the administrator and marked as available for installation.

To check if application filtering is enabled for the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan --show-aps-filter-info "Plan 1"

--update-php-settings <service-plan-name> Updates custom PHP configuration for a plan add-on. This configuration will override the one from the main service plan. Use the utility to set values for 16 most often used PHP settings (exposed to Plesk GUI) or to add any additional PHP directive.

To set one of 16 general PHP settings, prepare the file with the settings you want to change.

Note: File syntax should be the same with php.ini (<parameter>=<value>). To set the default value to the parameter, do not use any value: <parameter>=

Then apply the settings to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --update-php-settings Plan1 -settings my_file

If you cannot find a certain PHP parameter among 16 general settings, add it as an additional directive to a file and apply the changes to the plan add-on:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --update-php-settings Plan1 -additional-settings my_file_add

--show-php-settings <service-plan-name> Displays information about current PHP configuration of a plan add-on.

To view the PHP configuration information for the plan add-on Plan1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --show-php-settings Plan1

--help or -h   Displays a help reference for the utility.

To view a help reference for the utility:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --help


plesk bin service_plan_addon -h


Option Parameter Description Example
-new-name <string> Renames a plan add-on.

To rename a plan add-on from Plan 1 to Plan 2:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -new-name "Plan 2"

-duplicate-name <string> Sets the name of the copy of the specified add-on plan.

To make a copy with the name Plan 1 Copy of the plan named Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -d "Plan 1" -duplicate-name "Plan 1 Copy"

-owner <login> Specifies the owner of a hosting plan add-on. If the plan add-on is created for the server administrator, then this option must be omitted.

To rename the plan add-on Plan 1 owned by a reseller with the username JDoe:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -owner JDoe -new-name "Plan 2"

-max_dom_aliases <number>

Specifies the number of available domain aliases.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of domain aliases for Plan 1 to 10:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_dom_aliases 10

-disk_space <number>[B|K|M|G]

Specifies the amount of available disk space.

Unlimited if set to -1.

A number without a letter is interpreted as the number of bytes.

To restrict the amount of disk space for Plan 1 to 100 megabytes:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -disk_space 100M

-max_traffic <number>[B|K|M|G]

Sets the monthly traffic usage.

Unlimited if set to -1.

A number without a letter is interpreted as the number of bytes.

To allow subscriptions that are assigned the add-on Plan 1 to use 1 additional gigabyte of data transfers per month:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_traffic 1G

-max_box <number>

Specifies the number of available mailboxes.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of mailboxes for Plan 1 to 50:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_box 50

-mbox_quota <number>[B|K|M|G]

Specifies the amount of disk space that a single mailbox can occupy.

A number without a letter is interpreted as the number of bytes.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the mailbox quota for Plan 1 to 50 megabytes:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -mbox_quota 50M

-max_wu <number>

Specifies the allowed number of web user accounts.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of web users for Plan 1 to 100:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_wu 100

-max_subftp_users <number>

Specifies the number of available additional FTP accounts.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of additional FTP accounts for Plan 1 to 10:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_subftp_users 10

-max_db <number>

Specifies the number of available MySQL databases.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of databases for Plan 1 to 20:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_db 20

-max_maillists <number>

Specifies the number of available mailing lists.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of mailing lists for Plan 1 to 50:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_maillists 50

-max_webapps <number>

Specifies the number of Java applications allowed for installation on sites.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the allowed number of Java applications for Plan 1 to 100:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_webapps 100

-max_subdom <number>

Specifies the number of available subdomains.

Unlimited if set to -1.

To set the number of subdomains allowed for Plan 1 to 20:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_subdom 20

-max_site <number> Specifies the number of websites that can be hosted under a subscription.

To set the number of websites included in Plan 1 to 10:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_site 10

-max_site_builder <number> Specifies the number of websites that can be created and published with Presence Builder.

To set the number of websites that can be created and published with Presence Builder under Plan 1 to 10:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_site_builder 10

-maillist true|false

Enables or disables support for mailing lists.

Is false by default.

To enable support for mailing lists for Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -maillist true

-wuscripts true|false

Allows or prohibits execution of scripts by web users.

Is false by default.

To allow web users to use scripts on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -wuscripts true

-hosting true|false

Allow or prohibits hosting of websites.

Is false by default.

To allow website hosting on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -hosting true

-quota <number>[B|K|M|G]

Limits the amount of available disk space.

Unlimited if set to -1.

Is unlimited by default.

A number without a letter is interpreted as the number of bytes.

This is a hard limit that cannot be exceeded.

To set the hard disk quota for Plan 1 to 100 megabytes:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -quota 100M

-ssl true|false

Enables or disables SSL/TLS support.

Is false by default.

To enable SSL/TLS support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -ssl true

-ssl-redirect true|false

Enables or disables SEO-safe 301 redirection from HTTP to HTTPS.

Is false by default.

To enable redirection from HTTP to HTTPS on the subscriptions created by the add-on service plan Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -ssl-redirect true

-asp true|false

Enables or disables Apache ASP support.

Is false by default.

To enable Apache ASP support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -asp true

-ssi true|false

Enables or disables SSI support.

Is false by default.

To enable SSI support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -ssi true

-php true|false

Enables or disables PHP support.

Is false by default.

To enable PHP support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -php true

-php_handler_id cgi|fastcgi|fpm|module|plesk-php52-cgi|plesk-php52-fastcgi|plesk-php53-cgi|plesk-php53-fastcgi|plesk-php54-cgi|plesk-php54-fastcgi|plesk-php54-fpm|plesk-php55-cgi|plesk-php55-fastcgi|plesk-php55-fpm|plesk-php56-cgi|plesk-php56-fastcgi|plesk-php56-fpm Associates the specified PHP handler with the plan addon. Specify the handler’s identifier (default: cgi).

To enable running PHP as FastCGI on the plan Plan Addon 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan Addon 1" -php_handler_id fastcgi

-shell <shell_name>|false

Allows or prohibits access to server shell with FTP user account credentials.

(Use the --shells command of the domain utility to view the list of available shells).

Is false by default.

To enable shell access and set the shell to /bin/sh for FTP users on subscriptions created by the plan Plan Addon 1:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -shell /bin/sh

To view the list of available shells:

plesk bin domain --shells

-cgi true|false

Enables or disables CGI support.

Is false by default.

To enable CGI support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -cgi true

-perl true|false

Enables or disables Perl support.

Is false by default.

To enable Perl support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -perl true

-python true|false

Enables or disables Python support.

Is false by default.

To enable Python support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -python true

-fastcgi true|false

Enables or disables FastCGI support.

Is false by default.

To enable FastCGI support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -fastcgi true

-webstat none|webalizer|awstats

Enables or disables Web statistic support; selects Web statistics application (Awstats or Webalizer).

Is none by default.

To enable Webalizer support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -webstat webalizer

-err_docs true|false

Enables or disables custom server error messages.

Is false by default.

To enable custom error messages support on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -err_docs true

-webstat_protdir true|false

Enables or disables access to web statistics data through the protected directory /plesk-stat/.

Is false by default.

To enable password-protected access to the web statistics data on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -webstat_protdir true

-publish-sb-site true|false

Allows or prohibits publishing sites with Presence Builder.

Is false by default.

To allow publishing sites with Presence Builder on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -publish-sb-site true

-bandwidth <number>[B|K|M|G|T]

Limits the network use by sites (in units per second).

Unlimited is set to -1.

To limit the maximum network use by sites under subscriptions created by the plan Plan 1 to 500 kilobytes per second:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -bandwidth 500K

-max_connections <number>

Limits the number of available simultaneous network connections to sites.

Unlimited is set to -1.

To limit the number of simultaneous network connections to websites on Plan 1 to 100:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -max_connections 100

-create_domains true|false

Allows or prohibits creating domains.

Is false by default.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to create domains:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -create_domains true

-manage_phosting true|false

Allows or prohibits managing web hosting settings.

Is false by default.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to change web hosting settings:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_phosting true

-manage_php_settings true|false Allows or prohibits managing common PHP settings.

To allow managing common PHP settings on subscriptions based on the “Plan Addon 1” plan:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -manage_php_settings true

-manage_php_version true|false Allows or prohibits choosing PHP version and handler.

To allow choosing PHP version and handler on subscriptions based on the “Plan Addon 1” plan:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -manage_php_version true

-manage_protected_dirs true|false Allows or prohibits managing password-protected directories.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 to manage password-protected directories:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -manage_protected_dirs true

-manage_php_safe_mode true|false Allows or prohibits switching PHP safe mode on and off.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to switch PHP safe mode on or off:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_php_safe_mode true

-manage_sh_access true|false Allows or prohibits managing access over SSH to the chrooted environment on the server.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage access and to connect to the server:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_sh_access true

-access_service_users true|false Allows or prohibits managing additional user accounts.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 to manage additional user accounts:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -access_service_users true

-allow_oversell true|false Allows or prohibits overselling.

To allow overselling for users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -allow_oversell true

-manage_not_chroot_shell true|false Allows or prohibits managing access over SSH to any shell available on the server.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage access and to connect to the server:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_not_chroot_shell true

-manage_quota true|false Allows or prohibits changing the amount of allocated disk space.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage the hard quota on allocated disk space:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -u -manage_quota true

-manage_subdomains true|false Allows or prohibits managing subdomains.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage subdomains:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_subdomains true

-manage_domain_aliases true|false Allows or prohibits managing domain aliases.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage domain aliases:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_domain_aliases true

-manage_log true|false Allows or prohibits managing log rotation, namely, to adjust the cleanup and recycling of processed log files.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to adjust log recycling settings:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_log true

-manage_mail_settings true|false Allows or prohibits managing the mail settings.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 to manage mail settings:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -manage_mail_settings true

-manage_anonftp true|false

Allows or prohibits managing Anonymous FTP.

A subscription should be assigned a dedicated IP address in order to use anonymous FTP service.

Is false by default.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to set up anonymous FTP share:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_anonftp true

-manage_subftp true|false Allows or prohibits managing additional FTP accounts.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to set up additional FTP accounts:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_subftp true

-manage_crontab true|false Allows or prohibits scheduling tasks on the server.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to schedule tasks on the server:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_crontab true

-manage_dns true|false Allows or prohibits managing DNS settings for websites.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage DNS zones:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_dns true

-manage_webapps true|false Allows or prohibits installing and managing Java web applications.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to install and manage Java applications:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_webapps true

-manage_webstat true|false Allows or prohibits selecting the web statistics program to use for websites.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to select web statistics program:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_webstat true

-manage_website_maintenance true|false Allows or prohibits access to website copying.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 access to website copying.

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -manage_website_maintenance true

-remote_access_interface true|false Allows or prohibits using the Plesk API.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 use the Plesk API:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -remote_access_interface true

-manage_maillists true|false Allows or prohibits managing mailing lists.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to set up mailing lists:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_maillists true

-manage_spamfilter true|false Allows or prohibits configuring spam filter on the mail account level (if the correspondent option is enabled in the server-wide configuration).

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to configure spam filter:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_spamfilter true

-manage_virusfilter true|false Allows or prohibits managing antivirus protection settings.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage antivirus settings:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_virusfilter true

-allow_local_backups true|false Allows or prohibits backing up and restoring websites, and keeping backup files on the hosting server.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to back up and restore websites, and keep the data on the server:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -allow_local_backups true

-allow_ftp_backups true|false Allows or prohibits backing up and restoring websites, and saving them to custom FTP servers.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to back up and restore websites, and keep the data on custom FTP servers:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -allow_ftp_backups true

-allow_account_local_backups true|false Allows or prohibits backing up and restoring accounts, and keeping backup files on the hosting server.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 to back up and restore accounts, and keep the data on the server:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -allow_account_local_backups true

-allow_account_ftp_backups true|false Allows or prohibits backing up and restoring accounts, and saving them to custom FTP servers.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 to back up and restore accounts, and keep the data on custom FTP servers:

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -allow_account_ftp_backups true

-manage_performance true|false Allows or prohibits managing hosting performance settings.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to manage hosting performance settings:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -manage_performance true

-select_db_server true|false Allows or prohibits choosing DB server from the servers registered in Plesk, when creating a database.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to select a database server during creation of a new database:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -select_db_server true

-remote_db_connection true|false Allows or prohibits managing remote database access settings.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan Plan Addon 1 to manage remote database access settings.

plesk bin service_plan -u "Plan Addon 1" -remote_db_connection true

-access_appcatalog true|false Allows or prohibits access to applications catalog for viewing and installing prepackaged applications on sites.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to access applications catalog and install applications on websites:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -access_appcatalog true

-allow_license_stubs true|false If your Plesk license comes in a bundle with APS app licenses, you can install such apps without the need to purchase the app licenses from vendors. By setting the -allow_license_stubs option to true, you grant your customers the same permission: They can install apps from the bundle to their websites without purchasing app licenses. Note that you cannot limit the number of app installations a customer is allowed to perform. Thus, a customer can install a commercial app an unlimited number of times.

To allow the users who subscribe to the plan add-on Plan 1 to install APS apps using licenses from the license bundle:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -allow_license_stubs

-allow_insecure_sites true|false Allows or prohibits overriding server-wide security policy on web hosting scripting options, if the policy is set up.

To allow the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1 to override security policy:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -allow_insecure_sites true

-settings <filename>

Sets the file containing custom PHP settings for a plan add-on. The file can include only 16 general PHP settings exposed to the Plesk GUI.

Used with --update-php-settings only.

To set custom PHP configuration from the file my_file to the plan add-on Plan1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --update-php-settings Plan1 -settings my_file

-additional-settings <filename>

Sets the file containing custom PHP settings for a plan add-on. The file can include any PHP directive except 16 general PHP settings exposed to the Plesk GUI.

Used with --update-php-settings only.

To add directives to custom PHP configuration from the file my_file_add (Plan1):

plesk bin service_plan_addon --update-php-settings Plan1 -additional-settings my_file_add

-aps-filter-item-name <name|URI> Specifies the identifier of APS applications filter item: whether the filtered app is identified in Plesk by name or URI.

To add an application AdvancedPoll identified by the system by a name “advancedpoll” to the list of applications allowed for installation by users on the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon --add-aps-filter-item "Plan 1" -aps-filter-item-name name -aps-filter-item-value "advancedpoll"

-aps-filter-item-value <value> Specifies the actual name or URI of the filtered APS app.  
-ext_permission_git_manage_git true|false Allows Git management. Requires the Git Manager extension installed.

To allow Git management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_git_manage_git true

-ext_permission_ruby_support_management true|false Allows Ruby management. Requires the Ruby Manager extension installed.

To allow Ruby management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_ruby_support_management true

-ext_permission_ruby_state_management true|false Allows Ruby state management. Requires the Ruby Manager extension installed.

To allow Ruby state management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_ruby_state_management true

-ext_permission_ruby_version_management true|false Allows Ruby version management. Requires the Ruby Manager extension installed.

To allow Ruby version management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_ruby_version_management true

-ext_permission_nodejs_support_management true|false Allows Node.js management. Requires the Node.js Manager extension installed.

To allow Node.js management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_nodejs_support_management true

-ext_permission_nodejs_state_management true|false Allows Node.js state management. Requires the Node.js Manager extension installed.

To allow Node.js state management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_nodejs_state_management true

-ext_permission_nodejs_version_management true|false Allows Node.js version management. Requires the Node.js Manager extension installed.

To allow Node.js version management to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1: -ext_permission_nodejs_version_management true

-ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_wordpress_toolkit true|false Gives access to the WordPress Toolkit extension.

To give access to WordPress Toolkit to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan 1" -ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_wordpress_toolkit true

-ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_security_wordpress_toolkit true|false Gives access to security management in the WordPress Toolkit extension.

To give access to security management in WordPress Toolkit to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_security_wordpress_toolkit true

-ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_cloning true|false Allows cloning of WordPress installations in the WordPress Toolkit extension.

To allow cloning of WordPress installations to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_cloning true

-ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_syncing true|false Allows synchronization of WordPress installations in the WordPress Toolkit extension.

To allow synchronization of WordPress installations to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plan_addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_syncing true

-ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_autoupdates true|false Allows management of auto-updates in the WordPress Toolkit extension.

To allow auto-updates management in WordPress Toolkit to the users who are subscribed to the plan add-on Plan 1:

plesk bin service_plana-addon -u "Plan1" -ext_permission_wp_toolkit_manage_autoupdates true