The spamassassin utility is used to manage the Spamassassin spam filter through CLI. By using this utility, you can perform the following tasks:

  • enabling/disabling server-wide spam filtering
  • setting the criteria for automatic labeling of incoming messages as spam
  • enabling/disabling use of mail-name specific spam filtering criteria
  • adding mail messages to the Spamassassin’s black and white lists
  • marking mail subjects as spam
  • deleting spam automatically
  • inserting custom text into spam message subject lines automatically


spamassassin <command> [<mail_name>] [
<option_1> [<param>]
[<option_2> [<param>]]
... [<option_N> [<param>]]


The following command enables Spamassassin filter on the mail account, enables the use of mail name-specific Spamassassin filter settings, sets the minimum score for marking email messages as spam to 3 and enables deleting spam messages automatically from the mailbox:

plesk bin spamassassin --update -status true -personal-conf true -reject-spam true -hits 3


Command Parameter Description Example
--update or -u <mail_name> Updates the Spamassassin spam filter settings on a Plesk mail account.

To set the minimum score for marking email messages as spam and deleting them automatically for to 3:

plesk bin spamassassin --update -hits 3 -reject-spam true


plesk bin spamassassin -u -hits 3 -reject-spam true

--update-server   Updates the Spamassassin spam filter settings on the Plesk server.

To set the minimum score for marking email messages as spam for the Plesk server to 5:

plesk bin spamassassin --update-server -hits 5

--info or -i <mail_name> Displays the Spamassassin spam filter settings of a Plesk mail account.

To view the Spamassassin spam filter settings of

plesk bin spamassassin --info


plesk bin spamassassin -i

--info-server   Displays the Spamassassin spam filter settings of the Plesk server.

To view the Spamassassin spam filter settings for the Plesk server:

plesk bin spamassassin --info-server

--help or -h   Displays help on the use of this utility.

To view the help info on the use of the spamassassin utility:

plesk bin spamassassin --help


Option Parameter Description Example
-status true|false Enables/Disables the Spamassassin filter.

To enable the Spamassassin filter on the mail account

plesk bin spamassassin -u -status true

To disable the Spamassassin filter on the Plesk server:

./spamassassin --update-server -status false

-personal-conf true|false Enables/Disables using mail name-specific (rather than server- wide) antispam filter settings for a mail account.

To enable using mail name-specific Spamassassin filter settings on

plesk bin spamassassin -u -personal-conf true

-hits <number> Specifies the minimum score for a mail message to be marked as spam.

To set the minimum score for marking mail messages as spam for to 3:

plesk bin spamassassin --update -hits 3

-max-mail-size <number>B|K|M|G|T Specifies e-mail message size. All messages that exceed the specified size are not processed by spam filter.

To set the spam filter for to skip messages larger than 5 megabytes:

plesk bin spamassassin --update -max-mail-size 5M

-action del|mark|move

Specifies how to deal with e-mail messages that are considered as spam:

  • del - removes messages
  • mark - marks them as spam according to defined settings
  • move - moves them the directory called Spam.

To enable deleting spam messages automatically for

plesk bin spamassassin --update -action del

-max-proc 1|2|3|4|5 Specifies the maximum number of simultaneously running spamd processes on server.

To set the maximum number of simultaneously running spamd processes on server to 4:

plesk bin spamassassin --update-server -max-proc 4

-modify-subj true|false Enables/Disables subject lines automatic modification for messages marked as spam.

To enable subject lines automatic modification for spam messages and to specify the text to be inserted in the beginning of the subject line to “***SPAM** Score:* _SCORE_ :” on

plesk bin spamassassin -u -modify-subj true -modify-subj-text "***SPAM*** Score: _SCORE_ :"

-modify-subj-text <string>

Specifies the text to be inserted in the beginning of a subject line for messages marked as spam.

Type _SCORE_ to include the message’s spam score in the message subject line.

-reject-spam true|false Enables/Disables deleting spam messages automatically.

To enable deleting spam messages automatically for

plesk bin spamassassin --update -reject-spam true

-blacklist add|del|enable|disable>:<pattern1>[,<pattern2>,[ ]]

Adds/Deletes mail patterns to/from the Spamassassin black list; enables/disables email patterns in the Spamassassin black list.

The enable and disable parameters are used only with the --update command.

To add e-mail patterns * and ???* to the Spamassassin’s black list for

plesk bin spamassassin --update -blacklist add:*,???user@*

-whitelist add|del|enable|disable>:<pattern1>[,<pattern2>,[ ]]

Adds email patterns to or deletes them from the Spamassassin white list. Enables or disables email patterns in the Spamassassin white list.

The enable and disable parameters are used only with the --update command.

To add e-mail patterns * to the Spamassassin’s white list of the server:

plesk bin spamassassin --update-server -whitelist add:*

* Non-ASCII characters are not allowed on the left of the @ sign in the e-mail pattern. E-mail patterns can include the “*” and “?” wildcard characters (for example, *, user?@*.com). Non-ASCII parts of domain names must not contain wildcard characters.