The traffic.exe utility serves to manage traffic usage statistics for domains. Using this utility, you can perform the following tasks:

  • register certain amount of traffic
  • subtract certain amount of traffic
  • register certain amount of traffic from batch
  • reset traffic




traffic.exe <command> [<param>] [
<option 1> <param> [<option 2> <param> ... [<option N> <param>]


To add 100Mb of inbound HTTP traffic to traffic:

plesk bin traffic.exe -a -date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 100M -direction in


Command Parameter Description Example
--add or -a <domain name>

Registers specified amount of traffic as if being already used by domain.

Requires all options.

To add 100Mb of inbound HTTP traffic to traffic:

plesk bin traffic.exe -a -date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 100M -direction in

--add-user or -au <login>

Registers specified amount of traffic as if being already used by client/reseller.

Requires all options.

To add 100Mb of inbound HTTP traffic to the traffic of user with the login name jdoe:

plesk bin traffic.exe -a jdoe -date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 100M -direction in

--sub or -s <domain name>

Subtracts specified amount of traffic from the amount registered for domain.

Requires all options.

To subtract 100Mb of inbound HTTP traffic from traffic:

plesk bin traffic.exe -s -date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 100M -direction in

--sub-user or -su <login>

Subtracts specified amount of traffic from the amount registered for client/reseller.

Requires all options.

To subtract 100Mb of inbound HTTP traffic from the traffic of user with the login name jdoe:

plesk bin traffic.exe -s jdoe -date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 100M -direction in

--add-batch or -b <domain name>

Registers in batch mode specified amount of traffic as if being already used by domain.

Requires all options.

To register traffic on using file traf.conf:

plesk bin traffic.exe -b < traf.conf

The contents of traf.conf can be as follows:

-date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 10M -direction in

--add-batch-user or -bu <login>

Registers in batch mode specified amount of traffic as if being already used by client/reseller.

Requires all options.

To register traffic used by user with the login name jdoe using file traf.conf:

plesk bin traffic.exe -b jdoe < traf.conf

The contents of traf.conf can be as follows:

-date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 10M -direction in

--del or -d <domain name>

Resets the amount of traffic registered for this domain to zero.

Requires -date, -type, -direction options.

To reset outbound traffic for

plesk bin traffic.exe -d -date 2008-10-17 -type http -direction out

--del-user or -d <login>

Resets the amount of traffic registered for this client/reseller to zero.

Requires -date, -type, -direction options.

To reset outbound traffic for user with the login name jdoe:

plesk bin traffic.exe -d jdoe -date 2008-10-17 -type http -direction out

--help or -h   Displays help on the utility usage.

To view the help info on the use of this utility:

plesk bin traffic.exe --help


Option Parameter Description Example
-date <YYYY-MM-DD> Sets timestamp for the traffic statistics change being performed.

To add 100Mb of inbound HTTP traffic to traffic:

plesk bin traffic.exe -a -date 2008-10-17 -type http -value 100M -direction in

-type http|ftp|pop3-imap|smtp> Specifies the traffic type.  
-value <number>[B|K|M|G|T] Specifies the amount of added/subtracted traffic.  
-direction in|out Specifies the traffic direction.