In some cases, it may be necessary to make sure that whoever is trying to access the functions or data has the necessary permissions to do that. For example, an extension may provide a remote interface that allows for manipulating sensitive data. See “Exercise 3. Plesk Entities and Authentication” for an example.

Method pm_Auth::isValidCredentials() can be used to confirm authentication in such a case.

The following example shows how authentication is performed using the credentials extracted from the HTTP request header.

namespace PleskExt\Example\Middleware;

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

class BasicAuth
    public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
        if ($request->hasHeader('Authorization')) {
            list($login, $password) = $this->parseAuthorizationHeader($request->getHeaderLine('Authorization'));
            if ($login && $password) {
                if (\pm_Auth::isValidCredentials($login, $password)) {
                    return $next($request->withAttribute('login', $login), $response);
        return $next($request, $response);

    private static function parseAuthorizationHeader($header)
        if (strpos($header, 'Basic') !== 0) {
            return [null, null];
        $parsed = explode(':', base64_decode(substr($header, 6)), 2);
        if (count($parsed) < 2) {
            return [null, null];
        return $parsed;

Another example.