To retrieve information about a domain, use the pm_Domain class.

The pm_Domain class represents a domain hosted in Plesk. This class supports retrieving information about a domain by its ID.

Retrieving domain information

To retrieve the various data about a domain, use these methods:

  • getName() - returns the domain name.
  • getProperty() - returns various properties from the domains table in the Plesk database.
  • getGuid() - returns the domain GUID.
  • getDisplayName() - returns the domain display name.
  • getIpAddresses() - returns the domain IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6 or both). By default, public IP addresses are returned. If the $public argument is set to “false”, the internal IP addresses are returned instead.
  • isActive() - returns “true” if the domain is active, “false” otherwise.
  • isSuspended() - returns “true” if the domain is suspended, “false” otherwise.
  • isDisabled() - returns “true” if the domain is disabled, “false” otherwise.
  • hasHosting() - returns “true” if the domain has web hosing type; “false” otherwise.
  • getHomePath() - returns the webspace home path.
  • getSysUserLogin() - returns login of the webspace system user.
  • getDocumentRoot() - returns the domain document root directory. Available only for domains with web hosting. By default, an absolute path is returned. If the $relative argument is set to “true”, the root directory relative to the home path is returned.
  • getVhostSystemPath() - returns the domain vhost system directory. Available only for domains with web hosting.

Also, there following static methods can be used for retrieving domains:

  • getByDomainId() - retrieves the domain by domain id.
  • getByGuid() - retrieves the domain by domain GUID.
  • getByName() - retrieves the domain by domain display name.
  • getAllDomains() - retrieves all domains, including additional domains and subdomains. If the $mainDomainsOnly argument is set to “true”, only main domains are returned.
  • getDomainsByClient() - retrieves all domains, including additional domains and subdomains owned by $client. If the $mainDomainsOnly argument is set to “true”, only main domains are returned.

You can also use the pm_View_Helper_DomainOverviewUrl class to help you build the URL to the Domain Overview page.

Storing and Retrieving Domain-specific Data

It is possible to store and retrieve arbitrary data for a specific domain. The following methods add new data records, retrieve existing data and remove records that are no longer needed:

Note: These serve as a key-value storage for a specific domain.


To retrieve the name and creation date of a domain, use the following code:

$domain = new pm_Domain($domainId);
echo "Domain name: {$domain->getName()}";
echo "Created at {$domain->getProperty('cr_date')}";