To retrieve information about Plesk and the server on which it is installed, use the pm_ProductInfo class.

  • getVersion() - retrieves the Plesk version.
  • getPlatform() - retrieves the platform name.
  • isUnix() - returns true if Plesk is installed on a Linux server, or false otherwise.
  • isWindows() - returns true if Plesk is installed on a Windows server, or false otherwise.
  • getOsName() - retrieves the OS name.
  • getOsVersion() - retrieves the OS version.
  • getOsArch() - retrieves the OS architecture.
  • getVirtualization() - retrieves the type of virtualization used on the server (if any). If the $all argument is set to true, the method returns an array with all actual virtualization types instead. Constants for virtualization types are named according to the following convention: pm_ProductInfo::VIRT_*.
  • getPrivateTempDir() - returns absolute path to Plesk temp directory.
  • getProductRootDir() - returns absolute path to Plesk root directory.


class IndexController extends pm_Controller_Action
    public function init()
        if (pm_ProductInfo::getOsName() === pm_ProductInfo::OS_DEBIAN && version_compare(pm_ProductInfo::getOsVersion(), '8.0', '<')) {
            pm_Log::info('Debian older then 8.0 is not supported!');
class IndexController extends pm_Controller_Action
    public function init()
        if (in_array(pm_ProductInfo::getVirtualization(), [pm_ProductInfo::VIRT_VZ, pm_ProductInfo::VIRT_OPENVZ])) {
            pm_Log::info('Virtuozzo is not supported!');