Note: Several flags can be combined together.

EntryFlags value Description
0x0 Allow access for the user account. This is the default value.
0x1 Deny access for the user account.
0x2 Applies the security rule to all parent containers in the object’s path.
0x4 Breaks DACL inheritance from parent containers, erases existing ACEs, and creates new ACEs in the object’s DACL based on the security rules found in the security metadata files.
0x8 Enables Plesk to proceed with applying other security rules to other objects even if an error occurs while applying a security rule carrying this flag.
0x10 Blocks propagation of the security rule to child objects of the specified folder.
0x20 Instructs Plesk to cancel applying any Plesk security rules to the specified folder.
0x40 Enables creation of absent folders.
0x80 Enables application of the security rule only to files contained in the specified folder, but not to the folder itself. Requires that an object path specified by the Path attribute includes a file mask.
0x100 Enables strict enforcing of access masks specified by the security rule. If the flag is not included in the rule, extra access permissions that already exist are left intact.