Plesk provides full support for the PHP scripting language, including support for multiple PHP versions and handler types out of the box. This topic explains how Plesk administrator can make PHP handler types available for their customers and to configure PHP settings for individual PHP versions.

Making handler types available to your customers

To make a particular combination of PHP version and handler type available or unavailable to your customers, go to Tools & Settings > PHP Settings. You will be presented with the list of all combinations of PHP version and handler type available on the server:

image 75150

The image 75151 icon next to a PHP version + handler type combination indicates that it is available to your customers and can be chosen, and the image 75152 icon indicates that the combination is unavailable. Click the icon to toggle the availability of a particular PHP version + handler type combination. Any customer who has the permission to choose the PHP version and handler type for their domains will be able to select any of the PHP version + handler type combinations that you make available. The number of domains using a PHP version + handler type combination is displayed to the right of its name, and you can click the number to see the list of domains using that combination.

Different handler types vary in how secure they are and how much resources they consume. You can use this functionality to prohibit your customers from using a particular handler type, or a particular PHP version (by making all PHP version + handler type combinations using that PHP version unavailable). For example, by default, the CGI PHP handler is unavailable for all PHP versions. However, you can make it available for a particular PHP version, or for all of them. If you are not sure what PHP handlers to make available, read about the different PHP handler types here.