In Plesk, statistics (disk and traffic usage data, as well as web statistics) are calculated once every 24 hours. If, for some reason, statistics were not updated, or if you cannot wait for the next automatic update, you can generate the statistics manually by using the statistics.exe command line utility.

You can update the data for individual domains, or for the whole server. You can generate disk and traffic usage data, web statistics, antivirus and antispam statistics, or all the aspects of statistics at once.

To generate the statistics manually

  1. Log in to the Plesk server as administrator.
  2. Run the following command in the command prompt:
plesk sbin statistics.exe [command][options]

The command and options you use determine what data is generated. Here are a few examples illustrating common use cases:

Generate disk and traffic usage data and antivirus and antispam statistics for the whole server

plesk sbin statistics.exe --calculate-all

Generate disk and traffic usage data and antivirus and antispam statistics for the domain

plesk sbin statistics.exe --calculate-one

Generate web statistics for the domain

plesk sbin statistics.exe --generate-domain-webstat

Read more about the statistics.exe utility in the Plesk CLI guide.