The Presence Builder settings (Tools & Settings > Try and Buy Mode Settings) let you either display the Try and Buy mode notification to customers or hide it. The notification is displayed in a bar at the top of the editor page. This section explains how to change the notification text or add some extra information to the notification. By default, Presence Builder in trial mode uses messages from the tbbMessagesDefault.lng file of the used locale.

To customize notifications displayed to your customers by Presence Builder in trial mode:

  1. Go to the /usr/local/sb/resources/locale/<locale_name> directory on Linux operating systems, or to %plesk_dir%sb\resources\locale\<locale_name> directory on Windows operating systems.

    <locale_name> is the name of the locale for which you change the notifications. For example, the default English locale name is en_US.

  2. Copy the tbbMessagesDefault.lng and rename it to tbbMessagesCustom.lng.

    When the tbbMessagesCustom.lng file exists, Presence Builder uses it instead of tbbMessagesDefault.lng.

  3. Edit messages in the tbbMessagesCustom.lng file.

You can edit the following messages:

Message Keyword in Locale Message Description
startUpsellLimitExceedingTitle Title of the dialog window shown on Presence Builder start page to a customer who has exceeded the limit on the websites published with Presence Builder.
startUpsellLimitExceedingBody Body of the dialog window shown on Presence Builder start page to a customer who has exceeded the limit on websites published with Presence Builder.
startUpsellNoSitesTitle Title of the dialog window shown on Presence Builder start page to a customer whose subscription does not include Presence Builder.
startUpsellNoSitesBody Body of the dialog window shown on Presence Builder start page to a customer whose subscription does not include Presence Builder.
editorTopMessageTrialSite “Call to action” bar message at the top of Presence Builder Editor shown to a new customer who creates a trial site.
editorTopMessageUpsellLimitExceeding “Call to action” bar message for a trial site at the top of Presence Builder Editor shown to a customer who has exceeded the limit on the websites published with Presence Builder.
editorTopMessageUpsellNoSites “Call to action” bar message for a trial site at the top of Presence Builder Editor shown to a customer whose subscription does not include Presence Builder.
defaultPersonalName Default name of the customer shown on Presence Builder start page to existing customers.
initialMailSubject Subject of website creation email confirmation sent to a new customer.
initialMailHtml Body of website creation email confirmation sent to a new customer.
limitsExceededTitle Title of the dialog window shown upon clicking the Publish button to a customer who has exceeded the limit on the websites published with Presence Builder.
limitsExceededMsg Body of the dialog window shown upon clicking the Publish button to a customer who has exceeded the limit on the websites published with Presence Builder.
firstSitePublishTitle Title of the dialog window shown upon clicking the Publish button to a customer whose subscription does not include Presence Builder.
firstSitePublishMsg Body of the dialog window shown upon clicking the Publish button to a customer whose subscription does not include Presence Builder.
licenseExceededMsg Error message shown in the Status bar upon clicking the Publish button to a customer when the number of Presence Builder websites allowed by the Plesk license has been reached.
trialSiteSignUpPublishTitle Title of the dialog window shown upon clicking the Publish button to a new customer who creates a trial site.
trialSiteSignUpPublishMsg Body of the dialog window shown upon clicking the Publish button to a new customer who creates a trial site.
trialFeatureDisabled Error message shown in the Status bar when a new customer tries to verify ownership in the settings of a trial site.

You can use the following placeholders in Presence Builder trial mode notifications:

  • ppServerId - unique ID of Plesk server;
  • billingSignUpEntryPoint - entry point to Business Manager for new customers;
  • billingUpSellEntryPoint - entry point to Business Manager for existing customers;
  • subscriptionId - unique ID of the user subscription;
  • sbSiteUuid - unique ID of a website in Presence Builder;
  • sbOneTimeBackUrl - link Presence Builder that can be used only once;
  • locale - locale name;
  • trialSiteLifeTime - time that passes before trial websites that were not purchased by customers are removed from the server;
  • trialSiteExpireDate - expiration date of trial websites;
  • trialSiteUrl - link to trial website;
  • siteOwnerName - name of the user owning the website;
  • siteOwnerCompanyName - user’s company name;
  • siteOwnerEmail - user’s email;
  • siteOwnerPhone - user’s phone number;
  • siteOwnerAddress - user’s address;
  • siteOwnerCity - user’s city;
  • siteOwnerCountry - user’s country;
  • queryString - an additional query string passed to trial mode access URL;
  • helpUrl - link to Presence Builder documentation;
  • sbHttpHost - Presence Builder host name.

When using placeholders in messages, use the following placeholder markers:

  • &placeholder_name& - when you use a placeholder inside a hyperlink;
  • @placeholder_name@ - when you use a placeholder inside a JavaScript code;
  • %placeholder_name% - when you use a placeholder in plain text.