In Partner API 3.0, all requests and responses are transferred over the REST endpoint using the JSON data exchange standard. The endpoint is exposed through the HTTPS protocol. Only the following HTTP methods are supported:

Name Purpose Idempotent Safe Request Requirements Request Data is Carried in
GET Data retrieval. Yes Yes A request body is not required. Query string

Creation of new object.

Also used as a convenient method for TPP commands that hardly fit into the REST concept.

No No A non-empty request body is required. Request body
PUT Updating objects. Yes No A non-empty request body is required. Request body
DELETE Deleting or disabling objects. Yes No A request body is not required. Query string

Constraints on API Requests

Your requests should conform to the following constraints:

  • The “Content-Length” and “Content-Type” headers must be present for the HTTP methods that require a non-empty request body (see in the table above).
  • The “Content-Type” header must hold the “application/json” MIME type and the character encoding of the request body, for example: Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF8.
  • An HTTP request must have the “Accept” header stating that the client accepts “application/json” among other content types.
  • An HTTP request must have the “Accept-Charset” header stating that the client accepts “UTF-8” among other character encodings.
  • An HTTP request must have the “Accept-Encoding” header stating that the client accepts “gzip” among other content encodings.