License Key Structure (Full)
The license key structure is used in Partner API 3.0 to hold the information about a license key.
- In the tables below, an omitted field means that the field was absent (omitted) in an incoming HTTP request: It was not present with either null nor with any other value.
- Fields with the null value (also called null-valued fields) are fields that are present in incoming HTTP requests, but they have a null value.
- Handling of omitted and null-valued fields by Partner API 3.0 differs from the server side perspective (for details see the tables with field descriptions below). It is necessary to take this into account in order to properly implement integration with Partner API 3.0.
License key structure consists of the following fields:
Field Name | Field Type | Description | Interpretation on Input | Interpretation on Output |
ownerId | JSON string |
An ID of a license owner. You can obtain the ID in Plesk Partner Central: go to the Accounts tab > click the customer’s name > the Internal ID field. |
Mandatory if an API account belongs to a reseller. Optional if an API account belongs to a customer. If omitted when creating a license, the license will be created under an account to which API credentials belong. The null value is treated as an error. |
Always not null. Holds the ID of a key owner. |
keyIdentifiers | “Key identifiers” structure (described further in this section) | The identifier of a license key. |
Always not null. Holds the identifiers of a current license key. |
parentKeyIdentifiers | “Key identifiers” structure (described further in this section) | The identifier of a parent license key. |
Null if there is no parent key for this key. Otherwise holds the identifier of a parent key. |
childKeyIdentifiers |
Array of “Key identifiers” structures (described further in this section) |
Each array element corresponds to a child license key. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. If a license key does not have child keys, this field holds an empty array. |
overridingKeyIdentifiers |
“Key identifiers” structure (described further in this section) |
The identifier of the key that overrides the current key. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null if there is no key that overrides this key. Otherwise holds the identifier of the overriding key. |
activationInfo | “Key activation info” structure (described further in this section) | Information about activation of a license key. |
Null if a license key does not support activation. Otherwise non-null “key activation info” structure. |
ipAddressBinding | JSON string | The IP address that a license key is bound to. Can be both IPv4 and IPv6. |
The IP address to which the license key is bound. If no IP address is associated with a license key, the null value is returned. |
restrictIPBinding | JSON boolean | Specifies whether a license key can (false ) or cannot
(true ) be used on IP addresses other than ipAddressBinding. |
May be omitted. If this parameter is omitted on key creation, the value is set according to the account settings - the Default IP Binding. |
Always not null. |
productConfigurationId | JSON number | Product configuration ID. |
Always not null for license keys that support product configurations. Null for license keys that do not support product configurations. |
nickname | JSON string | The text information about a license key (such as alias, custom tag, and so on). |
If the null value or empty string was specified, the value is reset to an empty string (“”). Otherwise, the information about a license key is updated with the specified value. |
A non-null value of the description. By default, each license has an empty (“”) description. |
items | Array of “Key item (key billable component)” structures (described further in this section) | The items (billable components) of a license key. |
Required for license key creation. May be omitted in the key modification command. However, if specified, it must have at least one element in the array. The null value leads to an error. |
A non-empty array of key items (billable components). |
creationDate | JSON string with timestamp in ISO 8601 format | License creation date and time. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. |
lastModificationDate | JSON string with timestamp in ISO 8601 format | License last modification date. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. |
updateDate | JSON string with timestamp in ISO 8601 format | The date when a license key should be updated the next time. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. |
expirationDate | JSON string with timestamp in ISO 8601 format | The date when a license key becomes expired if it was not updated. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. |
susExpirationDate | JSON string with timestamp in ISO 8601 format | The date when SUS becomes expired if it would not be renewed. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null for licenses without SUS. |
susStatus | JSON string with possible values ‘ACTIVE’, ‘EXPIRED’ | The SUS status. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null for licenses without SUS. |
supportExpirationDate | JSON string with timestamp in ISO 8601 format | The date when support becomes expired. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null for licenses without support. |
supportStatus | JSON string with possible values ‘ACTIVE’, ‘EXPIRED’ | The support status. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null for licenses without support. |
autoRenew | JSON boolean | Specifies whether a license key is renewed automatically by Key Administrator. |
May be omitted. If present and applicable (a license key is of
the Lease or Long Lease type), then the key’s If this parameter is omitted on key creation, the value is set according to the account settings - Default value for Auto-renewal for long-term lease licenses (1 Year and longer), Default value for Auto-renewal for regular lease licenses. |
Non-null for lease or long lease,
true for purchased keys,
null otherwise.
terminated | JSON boolean | Specifies whether a license key is terminated. |
May be omitted. If present, then a license key will be
terminated depending on the value of this field (
true or
false respectively).The null value leads to an error.
Always not null. |
suspended | JSON boolean | Specifies whether a license key is suspended. |
May be omitted. If present, then key will be suspended or
resumed depending on the value of this field ( The null value leads to an error. |
Always not null. |
status | JSON string with possible values ‘ACTIVE’, ‘EXPIRED’, ‘TERMINATED’, ‘SUSPENDED’. | Specifies a license key status. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. |
ownerSuspended | JSON boolean | Specifies whether a license key is suspended because its owner is also suspended. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Always not null. |
fraud | JSON string | Specifies whether a license is detected as being used on multiple Plesk servers. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input.
Available value: confirmed_multiuse , potential_multiuse . |
The available value: confirmed_multiuse , potential_multiuse . |
lastReportingDate | ISO 8601 date and time | Date and time when the usage information was received from the key. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null if no usage report was received from the key. |
lastReportingIp | string | A set of IP addresses on the host where the key was installed during the last usage report. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null if no usage report was received from the key. |
lastReportingOs | string | The name and version of the operating system on the host on which the key was installed during the last usage report. | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null if no usage report was received from the key. |
isEls | boolean | Specifies whether a license key is charged within Extended Lifecycle Support . | This is an informational field. Ignored on input. | Null for license keys for non-Plesk products, the string is hidden. If a license key is being charged for ELS, then true. If the key is not being charged, then false. |
storeURL | JSON string | This field specifies the URL of the reseller’s store, to which the product may redirect users for license management or upgrades. | If omitted, the value of this field is treated as null. The value will be stored on Key Administrator side. The null value is permitted. | The exact value stored on Key Administrator side is returned. May be null, if null is stored. |
The Key Identifiers Structure
The Key identifiers structure encapsulates identifier fields that are unique for a license key and can be used in Key Administrator or Partner Central to address a license key:
Field Name | Field Type | Description | Interpretation on Input | Interpretation on Output |
keyId | JSON number | License key number without prefix and version |
Ignored if omitted. Otherwise the specified value is checked against the actual number of a key to avoid invocation of Partner API 3.0 method with the wrong key. The null value leads to an error. |
Always not null. Note that this field can be used for addressing a license key via URL. For example: |
keyNumber | JSON string | Full notation of a license key number (with prefix and version) |
Ignored if omitted. Otherwise the specified value is checked against the actual number of a key to avoid invocation of a Partner API 3.0 method with the wrong key. The null value leads to an error. |
Always not null. This field cannot be used for addressing a license key via URL. |
activationCode | JSON string | Activation code (if any) |
Ignored if omitted. Otherwise the specified value is checked against the actual activation code of a key to avoid invocation of a Partner API 3.0 method with the wrong key. The null value is OK if a license key does not have an activation code. Otherwise, the null value leads to an error. |
The null value if a license key does not have activation code. Also, null if a license key belongs to a different owner than the current key. Note that this field can be used for addressing a license key by URL. For example: |
The Key Activation Info Structure
The Key activation info (activationInfo
) structure holds
information about activation of license key:
Field Name | Field Type | Description | Interpretation on Input | Interpretation on Output |
activated | JSON boolean | Specifies whether this license key is already active (for example, when UID is optional) or activated (when UID is mandatory and a license was already activated). | This is an informational field. Completely ignored on input. | Always not null. |
uid | JSON string | The UID used for activation. |
If omitted, no actions. If present:
Null if no UID is currently assigned to a license key, otherwise - a non-null UID value. |
Note: The key activation function is not supported in modern Plesk versions and is kept for backward compatibility.
The Key Item Structure
The Key item (key billable component) (item
) is an auxiliary
structure that holds information about a separate billable part of a
license subscription:
Field Name | Field Type | Description | Interpretation on Input | Interpretation on Output |
externalId | JSON string | The ID of a billable key component. This ID is external with respect to Key Administrator and Partner Central and is assigned to a license by a billing system. |
If omitted, the value of this field is treated as null. The value will be stored on Key Administrator and Partner Central side. The null value is permitted. |
The exact value stored on Key Administrator and Partner Central side is returned. May be null, if null is stored. |
item | JSON string |
One of the following:
One of the following:
Must not be omitted, null-valued, or empty (with no elements). |
One of the following:
quantity | JSON string |
The number of units or instances of a given option included with the license. Expressed as a natural number. For example, the main product for a license is 360 Monitoring. The options are X sites and Y servers. Quantity must be specified for both options. |
The value of this field cannot be omitted and cannot be null. The value will be stored on Key Administrator and Partner Central side. | The exact value stored on Key Administrator and Partner Central side is returned. |
An example response of the “Retrieving a License Key Structure” method:
"ownerId": "68746360",
{ "keyId": 9467394, "keyNumber": "PLSK.09467394.0000", "activationCode": "AX1M00-2TGF09-FX0846-DA6K73-2VWY94", "activationLink": null }
"parentKeyIdentifiers": null,
"activationInfo": null,
"ipAddressBinding": null,
"nickname": "",
"productConfigurationId": 1708292,
"items": [
{ "externalId": null, "item": "PLESK-12-WEB-ADMIN-1M" }
"creationDate": "2022-05-30T06:54:37.450Z",
"lastModificationDate": "2022-05-30T09:25:43.534Z",
"updateDate": "2022-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"expirationDate": "2022-07-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"susExpirationDate": "2022-07-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"susStatus": "ACTIVE",
"supportExpirationDate": null,
"supportStatus": null,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"terminated": false,
"suspended": false,
"ownerSuspended": false,
"autoRenew": true,
"restrictIPBinding": false,
"frauds": [],
"lastReportingDate": "2022-05-30T20:29:42.987Z",
"lastReportingIp": "",
"childKeyIdentifiers": [],
"overridingKeyIdentifiers": null
"storeURL": "https://store.url"