The “Technical report” structure is used to hold the information about a technical report. Learn more about technical reports.

Field Name Field Type Description Interpretation on Output
id JSON string ID of a technical report. Always not null. Holds the ID of a technical report.
creationDate JSON string containing the timestamp in the ISO 8601 format Technical report creation date and time. Always not null
type JSON string Type of a technical report. Always not null. Possible values: middle, full.
size JSON number Size of a technical report file in bytes.  
downloadLink JSON string URL for downloading the technical report file.  
downloadLinkExpirationDate JSON string containing the timestamp in the ISO 8601 format Expiration date and time of the link for downloading a report.  
owner “Technical report owner info” structure (described further on this page) Technical report owner information.  
key “Technical report key info” structure (described further on this page) Information about the license key associated with a technical report.  

The “Technical report owner info” structure (owner) holds the information about a technical report owner:

Field Name Field Type Description Interpretation on Output
id JSON number ID of a technical report owner. Always not null
fullName JSON string Full name of a technical report owner. Always not null

The “Technical report key info” structure (key) holds the information about a license key:

Field Name Field Type Description Interpretation on Output
keyId JSON number License key number without prefix and version. Always not null
keyNumber JSON string Full notation of a license key number (with prefix and version) Always not null
description JSON string Human readable key type name. Always not null
ipAddresses Array of JSON strings Array of server IP addresses, no more than 32 addresses.  
ipAddressesCount JSON number Total number of server IP addresses.  
os JSON string Reported server OS.  
productVersion JSON string Reported product version.  


  "id" : "TR-PLSK-10001",
  "creationDate" : "2015-07-01T01:01:01.123Z",
  "type" : "middle",
  "size" : 1048576,
  "downloadLink" : "",
  "downloadLinkExpirationDate" : "2015-07-01T02:01:01.123Z",
  "owner" : {
    "id" : 123,
    "fullName" : "John Smith (Plesk)"
  "key" : {
    "keyId" : 12345678,
    "keyNumber" : "PLSK.12345678.1234",
    "description" : "Plesk 12 Web Host Edition",
    "ipAddresses" : [ "", "" ],
    "ipAddressesCount" : 2,
    "os" : "CentOS 6.7",
    "productVersion" : "12.0.18 Update #47"