To search for licenses for certain products you need to use aliases of product names. Products in the same product line might have different names (for example, Plesk and PSA are both Plesk products). Aliases make the search simpler and more comprehensive.

For example, to search for licenses for Plesk, type:


The table below displays product name aliases and corresponding products.

Alias Product Name
plesk Plesk
revisium ImunifyAV
sectigo Sectigo SSL
pagespeed Google PageSpeed Insights Pro
kolab Plesk Premium Email
joomla_toolkit Joomla! Toolkit
bcp Backup to Cloud Pro
drweb Premium Antivirus for Unix/Linux
cloudlinux CloudLinux
imunify Imunify360
kernelcare KernelCare
smart_updates Smart Updates (by AI)
atomicorp Advanced ModSecurity Rules by Atomicorp
speedkit Speed Kit
xovi SEO Toolkit by XOVI
symantec Symantec
email_security Plesk Email Security Pro
ext_wp_toolkit WP Toolkit
dgri Imunify QuickPatch
cgroups Plesk Cgroups Manager
acronis Acronis Backup
boldgrid BoldGrid
ext_multi_server Plesk Multi Server
mail_log Mail Log Interface
monitoring_360 360 Monitoring
wpb Web Presence Builder
softaculous Softaculous
bitninja Bitninja
aast_ddos (D)DoS Deflate Interface
sitepad SitePad
deny_country Deny country
collabora Collabora
aast_dnssec DNSSEC Manager
dropsuite Dropsuite Website and Database Backup
statistics_usage_manager Statistics and Usage Manager
asl Atomic Secured Linux
rkhunter RKHunter Interface
ecommerce Plesk eCommerce Toolkit
massive_mail Massive Adjust Mailbox
teamspeak Teamspeak Interface
firewall Firewall Interface
webtotem Webtotem
limit_ftp Limit FTP Access
lmdm Linux Malware Detect Manager (Plesk)
email_migration E-Mail Migration Module for Plesk
voice Voice-Server Manager
nimbusec Nimbusec Webhosting Security
workspace Google Workspace Business Standard
sitejet Sitejet
uptime_robot Uptime Robot
patchman Patchman
cloudbric Cloudbric
lcodeguard CodeGuard
rushfiles RushFiles
solus Solus
solusvm SolusVM
ext_dnssec DNSSEC
ext_docker Docker Remote Node Management