The list of licenses is displayed on the Manage Licenses tab. You can use predefined filters to display specific licenses.

Selecting Columns to Display

To select which columns to display in the list of licenses:

On the Manage Licenses tab, click the link Select Columns and choose the data to be displayed in the list.

To discard your changes, click Reset to Default.

Note that some columns can be displayed in the list of licenses automatically based on the specified search parameters.

To return to the default set of columns:

On the Manage Licenses tab, click the link Select Columns and then Reset to Default. Only default columns will be selected, and the changes will be applied to the list when you click OK.

License Information

To view information on a license:

Go to the Manage Licenses tab and click the corresponding number in the License number column in the list of licenses.

General Information

Depending on license type and status, Partner Central displays different read-only fields with information about the license.

Note that in addition to the read-only fields, Partner Central provides the Short description field, which you can modify by entering a short text about the license. The short description is displayed in the list of licenses in the License information column. You can search licenses by the text in this field.

License SKU

To view a license’s SKU:

  1. Go to the Manage Licenses tab and click the license number in the list of licenses. The General tab opens.
  2. In the menu, click More > Show SKU.

Associated Licenses

The Additional licenses associated with this license section shows a list of licenses that are used with the licenses you are viewing. For example, licenses for applications installed by Plesk are associated with the Plesk license. The license with which additional licenses are associated is called a parent license.

To view the details of an associated license, click its number or name.


You can add your notes about a license.

To add a note:

  1. Go to the Manage Licenses tab and then to the License information tab.
  2. In the section Recent notes, edit the box below the section title and click Add Note.

The ten latest notes are displayed on the License information tab.


The Events tab displays the history of operations performed on a license, including the actor (a user or a system) that performed each operation.

To search for a particular event, use the following filters:

  • Date (date interval). The period when the operation on a license key was performed.
  • Actor. A user or a system that performed the operation on a license key (initiated this event).
  • IP address. The IP address of the actor (a user or system that initiated this event).
  • Action. The operation that was performed on a license key, for example, Upgrading.

To download the list of the events in the XLSX format, click Export to Excel and select All columns. The Excel file will contain all possible columns that can be displayed for an event.