Creating a Service Plan

Use the add operation to create plans. When creating a plan, it is enough to specify a plan name. If you are authorized as the Administrator but want to add a plan to a reseller's plan list, specify the reseller ID or username. Additionally, you can specify plan settings when creating a plan.

In this chapter:

Request Packet Structure

Response Packet Structure



Request Packet Structure

A request XML packet adding a new service plan to Plesk database includes the add operation node:



The add node is presented by type DomainTemplateAddInputType (domain_template.xsd). Its graphical representation is as follows:


  • The name node is required. It specifies the name of the service plan. Data type: string.
  • The owner-id node is optional. It specifies the ID of the service plan owner. Data type: integer.
  • The owner-login node is optional. It specifies the login name of the service plan owner. Data type: string.
  • The mail node is optional. It specifies a collection of email preferences that will be assigned to a new subscription created using this plan. Data type: MailPreferences (plesk_mailname.xsd). See the structure of this node in the Mailing settings section.
  • The limits node is optional. It specifies a collection of limits that will be set for new subscriptions created using this plan. Data type: domainLimits (plesk_domain.xsd). See the structure of this node in the Limits section.
  • The log-rotation node is optional. It is used to turn on/off rotation of log files related to a subscription created using this plan. Data type: LogRotationType (domain_template.xsd). See the structure of this node in the Log Rotation Settings section.
  • The preferences node is optional. It is used to specify a collection of preferences for new subscriptions created using this plan. Data type: DomainTemplatePreferecesType (domain_template.xsd). See the structure of this node in the Preferences section.
  • The hosting node is optional. Specifies physical hosting settings for new subscriptions created using this plan. Data type: DomainTemplatePHostingPreferences (domain_template.xsd). See the structure of this node in the Hosting Settings section.
  • The performance node is optional. It specifies performance settings for new subscriptions created using this service plan. Data type: DomainPerformanceType (plesk_domain.xsd). See the structure of this node in the Performance Settings section.
  • The permissions node is optional. It defines which services and privileges that can be enabled in a service plan. Data type: none. See the structure of this node in the Permissions section.
  • The external-id node is optional. It defines a service plan identifier in the Plesk components (for example, Business Manager). Data type: sting.
  • The php-settings node is optional. It specifies custom PHP settings that will act as a preset for all plan subscriptions. Data type: phpSettings (domain_template.xsd). See the section PHP Settings for details.
  • The web-server-settings node is optional. It specifies custom web server settings that will act as a preset for all plan subscriptions. Data type: webServerSettings (domain_template.xsd). See the section Web Server Settings for details.

Important: When creating request packets, put nodes and elements in the order they follow in the packet structure.


Response Packet Structure

The add node of the output XML packet is of type DomainTemplateAddOutputType (domain_template.xsd)which has the following presentation:

  • The result node is required. It wraps the response got from the server. Data type: resultType (common.xsd).
  • The status node is required. Specifies the execution status of the operation. Data type: string. Allowed values: ok | error.
  • The errcode node is optional. Returns the error code when the operation fails. Data type: unsignedInt.
  • The errtext node is optional. Returns the error message if the operation fails. Data type: string.
  • The id node is optional. It is required if the operation has succeeded. Returns the unique identifier of a service plan just added to the Panel. Data type: integer.
  • The guid node is optional. Returns the GUID of a service plan just added to the Panel. Data type: string.


Creating service plans for different Plesk users

To create a plan on behalf of the reseller with ID 12, issue the following packet.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<packet version="">

When creating a service plan for Plesk Administrator, omit the reseller identifiers:

Creating multiple service plans

To create two service plans with a single packet, include two different add blocks:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<packet version="">
Mailing settings

The following packet creates a service plan and configures its mail settings.


          <bounce>Email address does not exist.</bounce>
Log rotation

To disable log rotation for plan base_plan, use the following packet:



The following packet creates a service plan that enables log rotation that allows to store up to 30 handled log files per subscription, and removes active log once a week:


The following packet creates a service plan with specific preferences.


Here is the sample packet that creates a service plan with specific physical hosting settings.

Performance settings

Here is the sample packet that creates a service plan with specific performance settings.
