When creating the customer account, the general customer account information is specified by complex type clientAddGenInfo (plesk_client.xsd). It is structured as follows:

image 60512

  • The cname node is optional. Specifies the company name. Data type: string (0 to 60 characters long).

  • The pname node is required. Specifies the personal name of the customer who owns the customer account. Data type: string (1 to 60 characters long).

  • The login node is required. Specifies the login name of the customer account. Data type: string (1 to 60 characters long).

  • The passwd node is required. Specifies the password of the customer account. Data type: string (5 to 14 characters long) .

  • The status node is optional. Specifies the current status of the customer account. Data type: objectStatus (plesk_common.xsd). Allowed values: 0 (active) | 16 (disabled_by admin) | 4 (under backup/restore) | 256 (expired). Only status values 0 and 16 can be set up.

  • The phone node is optional. Specifies the phone number of the customer account owner. Data type: string (0 to 30 characters long).

  • The fax node is optional. Specifies the fax number of the customer account owner. Data type: string (0 to 30 characters long).

  • The email node is optional. Specifies the email address of the customer account owner. Data type: string (0 to 255 characters long).

  • The address node is optional. Specifies the postal address of the customer account owner. Data type: string (0 to 255 characters long).

  • The city node is optional. Specifies the city of the customer account owner. Data type: string (0 to 50 characters long).

  • The state node is optional. Specifies the US state of the customer account owner (should be specified for US citizens only). Data type: string (0 to 25 characters long).

  • The pcode node is optional. Specifies the zip code of the customer account owner (specified for US citizens only). Data type: string (0 to 10 characters long).

  • The country node is optional. Specifies the 2-character country code of the customer account owner (US for United States, CA for Canada, etc.). Data type: string (2 characters long).

  • The locale node is optional. Specifies the locale used on the customer account. Data type: string. Default value: en-US.

    Note: Use four-letter locale names (RFC 1766).

  • The owner-id node is optional. It specifies the ID of a customer account owner. Data type: integer.

  • The owner-login node is optional. It specifies the login name of a customer account owner. If the customer account owner is Plesk Administrator, specify the admin login name. Data type: string.

    Note: If the information about owner is omitted, the customer account belongs to the user who issued the request.

  • The external-id node is optional. It specifies a customer GUID in the Plesk components (for example, Business Manager). Data type: string.

    Note: If the information about owner is omitted, the customer account belongs to the user who issued the request.

The following packet creates a customer account and defines the general settings for it:

                <cname>LogicSoft Ltd.</cname>
                <pname>John Doe</pname>
                <phone>416 907 9944</phone>
                <fax>928 752 3905</fax>
                <address>105 Brisbane Road, Unit 2</address>