The del operation is used to remove reseller plans.

Request Packet Structure

A request XML packet that removes reseller plans includes the del operation node:

<packet version="">

The del node is presented by the ResellerTemplateDelInputType type (reseller_template.xsd):

image 60489

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all request packets is available here:

  • The filter node is required. It specifies the filtering rule. Data type: ResellerTemplateFilterType (reseller_template.xsd). For information on filters, refer to the Available Filters section.

Response Packet Structure

The del node of the response packet is structured as follows:

image 60490

Note: The interactive schema navigator for all response packets is available here:

  • The result node is required. It wraps the response retrieved from the server. Data type: ResellerTemplateOutputResulttype (reseller_template.xsd).
    • The status node is required. It specifies the execution status of the del operation. Data type: result_status (common.xsd). Allowed values: ok|error.
    • The errcode node is required if the del operation fails. It returns the error code. Data type: unsignedInt.
    • The errtext node is required if the del operation fails. It returns the error message. Data type: string.
    • The id node is required if the del operation succeeds, and reseller plans are filtered by ID. It returns ID of the removed reseller plan. Data type: id_type (common.xsd).
    • The name node is required if the del operation succeeds, and reseller plans are filtered by name. It returns a name of the removed reseller plan. Data type: string.
    • The guid node is required if the del operation succeeds, and reseller plans are filtered by GUID. It returns a name of the removed reseller plan. Data type: string.
    • The external-id node is required if the del operation succeeds, and reseller plans are filtered by ID in the Panel components. It returns a name of the removed reseller plan. Data type: string.
    •  The problems node is optional. It contains the description of problems occurred on the operation execution. Data type: string.


The following packet removes reseller plans specified by ID, and by name:

<packet version="">


<packet version="">

The following packet removes all reseller plans from Plesk database:

<packet version="">