The custom_plan_items.exe utility is used for adding custom plan options through CLI.

You can read about these options in the Administrator’s Guide.




custom_plan_items.exe <command> [<option name>] [
<option 1> <param> [<option 2> <param>] ... [<option N> <param>]


To create a plan option that, when included into a plan as an additional service, will add a link to to the subscribers’ Control Panels:

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --add "Our website" -uuid "5a2d0766-3154-49ed-93a0-05a84ae601bd" -visible true -label "Visit our website" -url "" -tooltip "Visit our website."


Command Parameter Description Example
--add or -a <option_name>

Adds a hosting plan item for an additional service.

When adding a plan item through the command line, you must specify a globally unique identifier (GUID). You can generate a GUID by using, for example,

You are running an online support service at, and want to include the support option into service plans. The following command will create a custom plan option named Premium support which will add a hyperlink to your online service into Control Panel of each user whose plan includes that option:

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --add "Premium support" -uuid "5a2d0766-3154-49ed-93a0-05a84ae601bd" -visible true -label "Premium support" -url "" -tooltip "Contact our support service for assistance" -image-file "c:\tmp\my-company-logo.png"

Now, to include this Premium support option into the hosting plan named Example Plan:

plesk bin service_plan.exe --add-custom-plan-item "Example Plan" -custom-plan-item-name "Premium support"

--update or -u <option_ name> Changes settings of an existing plan option.

To modify the Premium support option so as to change the link to the service to

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --update "Premium support" -url ""

--remove or -r <option_name> Removes a plan option.

To remove the plan option Premium support:

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --remove "Premium support"

--list or -l   Displays information about already configured custom plan options.

To view information about all custom plan options:

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --list

--help or -h   Displays help on the use of the utility.

To output the help info on the use of this utility:

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --help


Option Parameter Description Example
-uuid <uuid> Specifies a unique identifier. This is required when adding a custom plan item.

You are running an online support service at, and want to include the support option into service plans. The following command will create a custom plan option named Premium support which will add a hyperlink to your online service into Control Panel of each user whose plan includes that option; the image my-company-logo.png will be used for the button background; the link will open in a frame on the Plesk page, and the subscription ID will be passed along with the URL.

plesk bin custom_plan_items.exe --add "Premium support" -uuid "5a2d0766-3154-49ed-93a0-05a84ae601bd" -visible true -internal true -noframe false -label "Premium support" -url "" -tooltip "Contact our support service for assistance" -image-file "c:\tmp\my-company-logo.png" -url-components dom_id

-visible true|false Specifies whether the link is shown in Plesk.  
-url <URL for access to the service> Specifies the URL for the hyperlink.  
-label <button label> Specifies the button label.  
-tooltip <tooltip text> Specifies a description of a service. It will be placed under the button.  
-image-file <path to image file> Specifies the path to the image file that should be used as a background for the button shown in Control Panel. If you do not upload an image file, a default image of a blue button without a label will be used.  
-internal true|false Specifies whether the external web resource will open in a new browser window or tab.  
-noframe true|false If a custom button leads to a Plesk extension or web app, this option specifies how the extension/app should be displayed on the Plesk page: in a frame (false) or as a part of the Plesk GUI (true).  
-url-components <dom_id,dom_name,ftp_user,ftp_pass,cl_id,cname,pname,email>

Specifies whether the following information should be included in the URL when users click the link in Control Panel:

  • Subscription ID.
  • Primary domain name associated with a subscription.
  • FTP account username and password.
  • Customer’s account ID, name, e-mail, and company name.