Archivos de configuración para la migración de Expand
Este archivo de configuración debería usarse en el caso de migrar servidores Plesk para Linux registrados en Expand:
# This section defines global settings and lists the source servers.
# [mandatory, non-modifiable] source-type
# Source servers product type.
# The other parameters in this configuration template are listed for this particular type, expand.
# Rather than changing the source-type here, browse the provided configuration templates
# and pick one that best suits your source type.
source-type: expand
# [mandatory, non-modifiable] target-type
# Target servers product type.
target-type: plesk
# [mandatory] source-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing source Plesk servers connected to Expand.
# An arbitrary number of Plesk for Unix servers can be listed here.
# Order is important: Plesk server whose section is listed earlier in this list
# will have priority during conflict resolution.
source-servers: pfu1, pfu2
# [optional] external-db-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing external source database servers.
# It is required to specify external database servers for remote PostgreSQL.
# Otherwise, databases will not be copied.
# external-db-servers: pgsql1
# [optional] centralized-mail-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing centralized mail servers
# assigned to the listed source Plesk servers. If the source Plesk servers listed
# in 'source-servers' setting are using a centralized mail server, you must list
# it here. If not specified, migration tool will not transfer the mailboxes and
# other settings located on the centralized mail servers.
# centralized-mail-servers: cm1
# [optional] centralized-dns-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing centralized DNS servers assigned
# to the listed source Plesk servers.
# If not specified, the DNS forwarding will not be set up on the centralized DNS servers.
# centralized-dns-servers: cd1
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for migration tool's temporary files.
# If not specified, temporary files will be put into 'migration-session'.
# session-dir: migration-session
# [optional] zones-ttl
# The time in seconds, which migration tool sets as the SOA minimum TTL and refresh interval
# on a new DNS server.
# If not specified, default value is assumed: 120
# zones-ttl: 120
# [optional] external-dns-server
# An IP v4 address of an external DNS server that allows recursive DNS queries.
# Migration tool uses the specified address to test whether general Internet users can obtain
# the correct DNS records for the transferred domains.
# If nothing is specified, migration tool will use Google DNS server (
# If 'none' is specified, migration tool will skip this test.
# external-dns-server:
# [optional] mail-messages-delta-limit
# The post-migration mail checks compare the number of messages in the source and the target mailboxes.
# If the number of messages differs more than it is specified in "mail-message-count-max-difference",
# it is considered an error.
# If not specified, default value is assumed: 10
# mail-messages-delta-limit: 10
# [optional] website-availability-check-timeout
# Timeout on site response in seconds. When check the availability of site, limit response time.
# If not specified, default value is assumed: 30
# website-availability-check-timeout: 30
# [optional] log-message-context-length
# When logging a multiline output (API request, response), show only top N
# and last N lines. Default value is 0, which means to display full API requests.
# log-message-context-length: 10
# This section defines target panel settings.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IPv4 address of the target Plesk Panel server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'.
os: unix
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator's login. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password: setup
# [optional] unix-session-dir
# A directory for temporary files on Plesk Panel for Linux target server. If
# not specified, temporary files will be put into '/tmp'
# unix-session-dir: /tmp
# [optional] is-local
# Whether migration tools are working on the same server as target Plesk.
# Default is true.
# is-local: true
# [optional] apache-restart-interval
# Minimum time interval, in seconds, between Apache restarts during a
# migration. If this interval is short, Apache will restart too often. This
# will cause long downtimes on Plesk target server. If this interval is long,
# existing users of Plesk target server will have to wait longer for their
# changes to be applied. To skip changing Apache restart interval set value to
# 'none'. If not specified, migration tool will skip changing the Apache
# restart interval.
# apache-restart-interval: none
# This section defines the settings of Expand control panel server.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of the Expand control panel server.
# It does not matter whether this IP address is external or internal, as long as migration tool
# can connect to the server at this address.
# [mandatory] panel-username
# Expand administrator user name.
panel-username: root
# [mandatory] panel-password
# Expand administrator password.
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on Expand control panel server.
# If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on Expand control panel server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# This section defines settings of source Plesk server 'pfu1'.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this Plesk server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'. Defines which other parameters
# are required in this section.
os: unix
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator user name. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password:
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this Plesk server. If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this Plesk server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for temporary files.
# If not specified, temporary files are put into /tmp.
# session-dir: /tmp
# This section defines settings of source Plesk server 'pfu2'.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this Plesk server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'. Defines which other parameters
# are required in this section.
os: unix
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator user name. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password:
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this Plesk server. If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this Plesk server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for temporary files.
# If not specified, temporary files are put into /tmp.
# session-dir: /tmp
# This optional section defines settings of external PostgreSQL database server 'pgsql1'.
# Fill this section's settings and list it in the 'external-db-servers'
# setting of GLOBAL section to get the databases copied from this server.
# Remove this section otherwise.
# [mandatory] host
# The address of this database server, exactly as displayed in Plesk Panel (usually it equals
# to database server's IP address).
# [mandatory] type
# Type of the database server, the only allowed value is 'postgresql'
type: postgresql
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this database server.
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this database server. If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this database server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# This optional section defines settings of centralized mail server 'cm1'.
# Fill this section's settings and list it in the 'centralized-mail-servers' setting of GLOBAL section
# to get the mail settings and content transferred from this server.
# Remove this section otherwise.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this Plesk server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'. Defines which other parameters
# are required in this section.
os: unix
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator user name. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password:
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this Plesk server. If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this Plesk server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for temporary files.
# If not specified, temporary files are put into /tmp.
# session-dir: /tmp
# This optional section defines settings of centralized DNS server 'cd1'.
# Fill this section's settings and list it in the 'centralized-dns-servers' setting of GLOBAL section
# to get the DNS forwarding set up on this server.
# Remove this section otherwise.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this centalized DNS server.
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this centralized DNS server. If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this centralized DNS server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
Este archivo de configuración debería usarse en el caso de migrar servidores Plesk para Windows registrados en Expand:
# This section defines global settings and lists the source servers.
# [mandatory, non-modifiable] source-type
# Source servers product type.
# The other parameters in this configuration template are listed for this
# particular type, expand. Rather than changing the source-type here, browse the
# provided configuration templates and pick one that best suits your source type.
source-type: expand
# [mandatory, non-modifiable] target-type
# Target servers product type.
target-type: plesk
# [mandatory] source-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing source Plesk servers connected to Expand.
# An arbitrary number of Plesk for Windows servers can be listed here.
# Order is important: Plesk server whose section is listed earlier in this list
# will have priority during conflict resolution.
source-servers: pfw1, pfw2
# [optional] external-db-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing external source database servers.
# It is highly recommended to specify external database servers for remote MSSQL.
# Otherwise there could be issues when copying database content.
# external-db-servers: mssql1
# [optional] centralized-mail-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing centralized mail servers assigned
# to the listed source Plesk servers.
# If the source Plesk servers listed in 'source-servers' setting are using
# a centralized mail server, you must list it here.
# If not specified, migration tool will not transfer the mailboxes and other settings
# located on the centralized mail servers.
# centralized-mail-servers: cm1
# [optional] centralized-dns-servers
# Comma-separated list of the sections describing centralized DNS servers assigned
# to the listed source Plesk servers.
# If not specified, the DNS forwarding will not be set up on the centralized DNS servers.
# centralized-dns-servers: cd1
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for migration tool's temporary files.
# If not specified, temporary files will be put into 'migration-session'.
# session-dir: migration-session
# [optional] zones-ttl
# The time in seconds, which migration tool sets as the SOA minimum TTL and refresh interval
# on a new DNS server.
# If not specified, default value is assumed: 120
# zones-ttl: 120
# [optional] external-dns-server
# An IP v4 address of an external DNS server that allows recursive DNS queries.
# Migration tool uses the specified address to test whether general Internet users can obtain
# the correct DNS records for the transferred domains.
# If nothing is specified, migration tool will use Google DNS server (
# If 'none' is specified, migration tool will skip this test.
# external-dns-server:
# [optional] mail-messages-delta-limit
# The post-migration mail checks compare the number of messages in the source and the target mailboxes.
# If the number of messages differs more than it is specified in "mail-message-count-max-difference",
# it is considered an error.
# If not specified, default value is assumed: 10
# mail-messages-delta-limit: 10
# [optional] website-availability-check-timeout
# Timeout on site response in seconds. When check the availability of site, limit response time.
# If not specified, default value is assumed: 30
# website-availability-check-timeout: 30
# [optional] log-message-context-length
# When logging a multiline output (API request, response), show only top N
# and last N lines. Default value is 0, which means to display full API requests.
# log-message-context-length: 10
# [optional] copy-mssql-content
# Select way to copy MSSQL content: native MSSQL dumps, text dumps or automatic selection (default).
# Possible values: 'native', 'text', 'auto'
# Native backups require direct access of migration tool to all MSSQL servers, so make sure that you provided
# access to all external MSSQL servers in 'external-db-servers' option.
# Native backup is the most reliable way to copy MSSQL database content.
# Text dumps have an advantage that they do not require physical access to the servers. Only access by MSSQL
# protocols is required. But such way may fail in case of complex MSSQL databases with stored procedures, triggers, etc.
# If automatic selection is specified, panel migrator will use native backups if we have direct access to the servers
# with MSSQL, and text dumps otherwise.
# copy-mssql-content: auto
# This section defines target panel settings.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IPv4 address of the target Plesk Panel server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'.
os: windows
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator's login. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password: setup
# [optional] windows-session-dir
# A directory for temporary files on Plesk Panel for Windows target server. If
# not specified, temporary files will be put into 'C:\migrator'
# windows-session-dir: C:\migrator
# [optional] is-local
# Whether migration tools are working on the same server as target Plesk.
# Default is true.
# is-local: true
# This section defines the settings of Expand control panel server.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of the Expand control panel server.
# It does not matter whether this IP address is external or internal, as long as migration tool
# can connect to the server at this address.
# [mandatory] panel-username
# Expand administrator user name.
panel-username: root
# [mandatory] panel-password
# Expand administrator password.
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on Expand control panel server.
# If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on Expand control panel server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# This section defines settings of source Plesk server 'pfw1'.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this Plesk server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'. Defines which other parameters
# are required in this section.
os: windows
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator user name. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password:
# [optional] windows-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this Plesk server. Default is 'Administrator'.
# windows-username: Administrator
# [mandatory] windows-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this Plesk server.
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for temporary files.
# Note that for MySQL database content to be copied, this directory should be exported
# on rsync server as "migrator".
# If not specified, temporary files are put into C:\migrator.
# session-dir: C:\migrator
# This section defines settings of source Plesk server 'pfw2'.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this Plesk server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'. Defines which other parameters
# are required in this section.
os: windows
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator user name. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password:
# [optional] windows-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this Plesk server. Default is 'Administrator'.
# windows-username: Administrator
# [mandatory] windows-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this Plesk server.
# [optional] session-dir
# A directory for temporary files.
# Note that for MySQL/MariaDB database content to be copied, this directory should be exported
# on rsync server as "migrator".
# If not specified, temporary files are put into C:\migrator.
# session-dir: C:\migrator
# This optional section defines settings of centralized mail server 'cm1'.
# Fill this section's settings and list it in the 'centralized-mail-servers' setting of GLOBAL section
# to get the mail settings and content transferred from this server.
# Remove this section otherwise.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this centalized mail server.
# [mandatory] os
# Server's operating system type, 'unix' or 'windows'. Defines which other parameters are required
# in this section.
os: windows
# [optional] panel-username
# Panel administrator user name. If not specified, 'admin' is used.
# panel-username: admin
# [optional] panel-password
# Panel administrator password. If not specified, it is automatically detected.
# panel-password:
# [optional] windows-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this centralized mail server. Default is 'Administrator'.
# windows-username: Administrator
# [mandatory] windows-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this centralized mail server.
# This optional section defines settings of centralized DNS server 'cd1'.
# Fill this section's settings and list it in the 'centralized-dns-servers' setting of GLOBAL section
# to get the DNS forwarding set up on this server.
# Remove this section otherwise.
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this centalized DNS server.
# [optional] ssh-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this centralized DNS server. If not specified, 'root' is used.
# ssh-username: root
# [optional] ssh-auth-type
# SSH authentication type.
# There are two authentication types supported: 'password' or 'key'. Default is 'password'.
# ssh-auth-type: password
# [optional] ssh-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this centralized DNS server.
# You must specify it, if you select SSH authentication type 'password'.
# Note that the hash mark in password is treated as a regular symbol.
# [optional] ssh-key
# SSH private key file name. You can specify it if you select SSL authentication type 'key'.
# If not specified, "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" keys from ~/.ssh are used.
# ssh-key: id_dsa
# This optional section defines settings of external MSSQL database server 'mssql1'.
# Fill this section's settings and list it in the 'external-db-servers'
# setting of GLOBAL section to get the MSSQL databases copied from this server with native MSSQL backup.
# Remove this section otherwise.
# [mandatory] host
# The address of this database server, exactly as displayed in Plesk Panel (usually it equals
# to database server's IP address).
# [mandatory] type
# Type of the database server, the only allowed value is 'mssql'
type: mssql
# [mandatory] ip
# An IP v4 address of this database server.
# [optional] windows-username
# User name of the privileged system user on this centralized mail server. Default is 'Administrator'.
# windows-username: Administrator
# [mandatory] windows-password
# Password of the privileged system user on this database server.