Customizing Hosting Security
Custom changes in hosting security rules can be made both at the level of the security metadata template files and at the level of the security metadata file instances on individual hosting accounts. However, direct modification of security metadata file instances is not recommended. The preferred way of customizing hosting security is through creation of additional security metadata template files.
Note: If you do decide to modify a security metadata file instance directly, be sure to make a backup copy of the file before modifying it.
Once a template file with additional security rules is created, the
security rules can be added into or removed from hosting security
metadata files by using the HostingSecurity.exe
To customize hosting security rules for Windows objects in Plesk:
Log in as administrator to a Plesk-managed server over Remote Desktop.
Determine the Windows objects for which you want to set new security rules.
Create a hosting security metadata template file or open an existing one by using your favorite XML file editor.
For information about locating the appropriate template file, see Hosting Security Metadata File Templates.
Add or modify security rule entries in the file as needed.
For help in completing this step, see the section Adding New Security Rule to Security Metadata File Template. For entry attribute descriptions and possible values, see General Security Metadata Structure. For entry examples with explanations, see Common Security Rule Entry Examples.
Save and close the file.
Apply the changes by running the