summary: In this topic, you will learn how to deploy Plesk from a QCOW2 image on VMware Workstation Player.

We will use Plesk running on Ubuntu 22 as an example, but you can also deploy Plesk running on CentOS 7 the same way.



  1. 下載並在您的電腦上安裝VMware Workstation Player。
  2. 從下載`plesk-ubuntu-latest.qcow2`鏡像。
  3. 將QCOW2鏡像為VMDK格式。

Deploying Plesk Using a Converted QCOW2 Image

To deploy Plesk on VMware Workstation Player using a QCOW2 image converted to the VMDK format, create a virtual server. Here’s how to do it:

  1. 在VMware Workstation Player中,按一下**創建新虛擬機器**:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Create_VM_Create_Button

  2. 在打開的“新虛擬機器嚮導”視窗中,選擇**我稍後安裝作業系統**:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Create_VM_Install_operating_system_later

  3. 選擇客戶機作業系統。操作步驟是,選擇 LinuxUbuntu 64-bit

    image QCOW2_VWP_Create_VM_Select_Operating_System

  4. 指定虛擬伺服器的名稱,並選擇存儲檔的位置:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Create_VM_Name_and_Location

  5. 指定虛擬伺服器的磁片大小:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Create_VM_Specify_Space_Size


  6. 按一下 完成

    image QCOW2_VWP_Create_VM_Finish


    備註: 預設情況下,使用NAT網路類型。這意味著虛擬網路介面卡會共用主機的IP位址。這些設定可能不符合您的網路基礎架構的要求。有關更多資訊,請參閱 VMware Workstation Player 文檔或聯繫VMware支持團隊。

  7. 通過按一下**編輯虛擬機器設定**來配置虛擬伺服器的參數:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Configure_VM_Button_Open_Settings

  8. 添加具有VMDK格式的Plesk鏡像的硬碟。具體操作是,在虛擬機器設定中,按一下**添加**:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Configure_VM_Add_Button

  9. 在“添加硬體嚮導”視窗中,配置如下參數:

    • “硬體類型”:硬碟

    • “虛擬磁片類型”:SCSI

    • “磁片”:使用現有的虛擬磁片

    • “現有磁片檔”:選擇VMDK格式的Plesk鏡像:

      image QCOW2_VWP_Configure_VM_Select_Virtual_Disk_File

    備註: 我們建議您將QCOW2鏡像放置到虛擬伺服器的目錄中,或者創建一個包含虛擬磁片的單獨目錄。

  10. 按一下 完成

  11. 選擇預設情況下創建的硬碟,按一下**移除”。

  12. 按一下 確定 以保存您的更改。

  13. 按一下**播放虛擬機器**,打開已創建的虛擬機器:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Configure_VM_Button_Launch

  14. 選擇**Ubuntu**,然後按ENTER鍵:

    image QCOW2_VWP_Run_VM_Select_OS


Logging in to the Created Virtual Machine

A virtual machine with Plesk created from a converted QCOW2 image does not have a preconfigured SSH password. There are two ways to log in to the virtual machine:

  • Boot into recovery mode and set the root password. You need to do this for every virtual machine with Plesk you create.
  • Use the 「cloud-init」 utility shipped with the Plesk QCOW2 image to preconfigure the server and set the root password. For example, you can use the 「NoCloud」 datasource to create an ISO image or a virtual hard drive containing the user-data file. Connect this ISO image or a virtual hard drive to the virtual machine before booting it up, and the cloud-init utility should configure the SSH user so that you can log in. You can then use that ISO image or a virtual hard drive with every virtual machine you create.