Managing SSO Service

Operator: <sso>

XML Schema: sso.xsd

Plesk version: 8.3

XML API version:

Plesk user: Plesk Administrator


Single Sign-on (SSO) is a specialized form of authentication that allows a user to enter login and password only once during session of interaction with several Web applications. Use the sso operator to configure SSO service in Plesk. Before configuring SSO branding, read the Configuring SSO Branding section.

The operator is also used for managing delegation rules. The rules define what users of a specific application (registered in the same IdP as Plesk) can be authorized in Plesk.


Supported operations


Next in this section:

Available Filters

Enabling SSO Service

Disabling SSO Service

Registering Plesk in IdP

Retrieving SSO Service Preferences

Configuring SSO Branding

Adding Delegation Rule

Removing Delegation Rule